Finally have the politicians and the media got the eyes up for how unfair the toll frames. NAF has long fought against bompengene. Through the many years, the politicians decided to build roads on someone else’s expense. The toll has been the only way to get advice to the roads that the politicians adopt.

Admittedly, pay tolls, not all the way. Samferdselsbudsjettene has increased over the last few years, and there have been more state funds to the way. But bompengene has also increased.

Brukerbetalingen on the way is unique in a Norwegian context. In all other areas fellesfinansierer we can find: Public schools, education and hospitals are paid by the felleskassa. But on the way there, strangely enough, only the user who is going to pay.

It is only now, after large protests against bompengene in the various bypakkene, that one really has got the eyes up for how big the challenges the toll can create for people. People feel priced out of the car and out of the city. The acceptance to pay has been decreased in line with the fact that the bill has increased.

Tolls: Yesterday’s solution to today’s challenges Debate

the Politicians have been looking for solutions. Now veiprising lifted up as a possible way out. Veiprising is a kilometerbasert fee to drive a car.

Already here we have to shout varsko. NAF does not support a scheme that turns the tolls together with other existing taxes, and call it veiprising. Bompengene will not disappear if one introduces a different form of payment.

Replaces one toll with veiprising does one solve nothing. The money that today is required in order to fund road and kollektivutbygging in the form of tolls must be collected in a different location from the than from the bilisten. It is around 10 billion a year. A not impossible sum, if the will is there.

For cities, this means that the state must in with more money to finance bypakkene. Outside the cities means that new stretches of road must be financed by the community funds.

Technology is not just about machines Comment

We have gone into that veiprising should be investigated, because there may be a better solution for the other automotive community fees. Drivstoffavgiften located in the price of diesel and gasoline are similar throughout the country. With veiprising can the fee be removed, and you get instead a bill based on when you run, where and in what kind of car. Our preliminary studies show that it may be cheaper in rural areas, where people are depending on the car.

one-time on new cars is high, and the Norwegian vehicle fleets are old. It is a win both for traffic safety and the environment to replace the total fleet. When politicians look at what should be in veiprising they must also consider whether the one-time fee, trafikkforsikringsavgift or re-registration fee-may be baked in. It must in that case be done in a way that overall does not increase the cost of bilisten, but that lowers the price feed on a newer and more trafikksikker car.

we Learn not by this can klimaframtida be a little nice Comment

Three claims to veiprising: organization for 500.000 members with the car, it is clear that we want the level of car taxes had down. Here are our demands that politicians must take with them: Bompengene out of the calculation, the privacy must be safeguarded, the total cost for bilisten must not increase.

Are the political will, there are solutions. It is worth noting that the data Inspectorate believes there are solutions to veiprising that does not involve GPS surveillance.

With a fair, non-traceable veiprising can taxes stimulate faster replacement of the vehicle fleets, good mobility for people in the whole country, and, not least, that the unjust bompengene forvises to history’s junkyard.