heart disease are almost unknown to the scourge of small bolivian natural with less than tsimanéille, who make their living from the rain forest collecting and hunting as well as small plantations called.

Just now tsimanékansa is, however, decentralised to increase in those who adhere to the old way of life, and which attracts the western lifestyle with his food and stuff.

It gives the opportunity to examine the lifestyle changes that the possible effects on cardiovascular health.

Even if tsimanéilla is certainly health troubles parasitic infestations and dengue fever tuberculosis and snake bite, heart diseases they have previously, according to the survey, less than in any other surveyed nation.

eight year old tsimanén heart is in better shape than in fifties american, the Lancet (you move to another service) before last year published an international research report.

a new kind of life changes diet

Part tsimanéista has over the last decade, interest in the market economy today, to the extent that researchers have the almost unique opportunity to explore lifestyle changes effects already in a situation where they are until the event.

the Traditional way of life has been replaced by a new kind of ways to make a living. Many eat now also store-bought processed foods.

at the Same time have begun to increase also overweight and obesity, told usa Baylor university (you move to another service) anthropology assistant professor Alan Schultz .

He spent more than a year tsimanéjen a couple of the Amazon rain forest in order to learn to feel their social life and culture as well as lifestyle changes effects.

Employed to know the merit, the merit shop

in Bolivia live 36 indigenous people. Tsimanét are one of the most isolated of the. They live about 80 in the village of 7 800 square miles of rain forest in the area, mostly by the river.

They are not disappearing, quite the contrary: in the late 1960s is estimated to have been about six thousand. Four years ago in the census figures was about 16 000.

Tsimanénainen receives an average of nine children. According to the study, the reason for the large child of the other may be unexpectedly be parasites, ascaris lumbricoides, which affects their immune system. Michael Gurvan

When tsimanéjen body regions has become a cattle breeder and more new people, the natives have gradually come into contact with the western way of life with and started to get occasional income by doing work for them.

Salary and they have bought the novelties, which they previously had no knowledge about, among other things, factory-made tools and food.

the Traditional flute music has gained to give place to the new pace and natural medicines pharmacy goods. Part of the young people have left their community to study Spanish.

Schultz found that the minor impact changes may have led to the essential transitions in the lifestyles and thereby health. Such a change is, for example, Spanish language learning to the extent that tsimané be able to sign a contract and start earning money salary.

– Ansiollaan he can buy canoe outboard motor, so he can more easily participate in the market economy and to buy processed foods, Schiltz explains.

Amulet are still outselling

Schultz is doing his research in two tsimanékylässä, while driving and handling Serruchossa. Aje is located near the highway and the river, about two hours away from the nearest rural town. Serruchosta Ajee is eight hours away by canoe, and even then it must be the motor.

from 15 to 75 years of interviews had a total of 103 or about a quarter of this age group of the villagers. They were asked in their native language, what the good life is needed.

the list to end up with 38 things in a very side to side. Among them are education, gas oven, electric and radio news, but on the other hand also traditional observances and flute music, as well as under the skin of the hidden in the rocky amulet, which is believed to sensitising the hunter’s predatory instincts of.

40% of the list of upstream issues is the market economy in seafood, such as industrially manufactured tools and purchased to benefit the animals.

one of the objects and the ways in which the list has both traditional and new options, a new are generally higher. For example, a hunting rifle to beat in the valuation of the spring and outside of the community training learning the old ways.

Only the traditional food – cereals, fish and game – valued newcomer to the food higher, although that made the list.

Wealth is not just material

the Women turned out to be men a clearer idea of what the market economy life contains. Women on the other hand, fighting men more easily a new kind of integration, i.e., for example, from outside of the family to come assist.

Schultz supposes, that the reason may be simply that women less Spanish than men.

the Investigation also revealed that the tsimanét the name of wealth as only material. Intangible thing of value from, in particular, are those respondents who live the farthest away from town and with only a little property.

They do not per se opposed to outside novelties, but their good life list are high a large family and helpful neighbors, as well as knowledge of natural medicines and the spirit of life.

as an Example those mentioned, inter alia, that annual ritual, in which the praises of peach palm for its fruits and the flexibility of the material of a suitable frame.

Research on heart health continues

Tsimanét have over the last few decades taken up favourably against other western scholars like Schultz. They are, in fact, one of the world’s research of the most pienkansojen to. Scientific articles have been published in more than 400.

in Most cases, is cleared of health issues but also including tsimanéjen olfactory accuracy (you move to another service) German comparison – it is excellent – as well as the Bolivian state economic policies (switch to another service) the effect of tsimanéjen traditional living areas.

the Schultz study, the perspective is so far exceptional, that the study did not compare tsimanéja other, but things to watch within the community. He will continue to be clarified, can the tsimanét maintain a healthy heart, if the lifestyle changes continue.

on the other Hand, research can also give tips tsimanéjen life aspects, of which cardiovascular disease risk can perhaps be reduced also in western countries, Schultz said.

Three generations of tsimanéja. Tsimanéyhteisössä high age strengthens social status. Paul Hooper Tsimané does not shy away from carbohydrates

at Least your daily calories scarcity does not explain tsimanéjen exceptional for heart health. Tsimané eating a day energy to more than 2 700 kilocalories, showed years ago published another american study (you move to another service).

the vast Majority of energy is derived from rice, manioc, and corn, but between the menu also includes fish and game, such as porcine species pekaria or koati, the nose of the bear. Proteins accounted for 21%, fats 15%, and carbohydrate no less than 64 per cent.

Tsimanét do not comply with the paleoruokavaliota not truly the Atkins diet, do your study done at the university of California anthropologist Michael Gurvan Inverse-journal (you move to another service).

the Possible explanations for the heart disease low level of found in the diet of protective nutrients, including potassium, magnesium and selenium, as well as the fibres of a large number of. The explanation can be that too, that tsimanéilla just not been in the habit of salting or sugar to his food.

Only a tenth of the time spent lököillen

Gurvan keep the most essential health factor that tsimanéjen traditional way of life to consume calories, even if your diet is not in all respects not western textbook model.

Tsimanéaikuinen take a day for an average of 17 000 steps, they do not come running or walking just for exercise, Gurvan said.

Tsimanéjen day spent on food procurement. Men have been found rolling the food in the field or in the woods 90% of the waking time, tells the story of 13 village of aggregated studies (switch to another service) based on the Tsimane.org site (you move to another service).

Plenty more information tsimanéista also found in the Tsimane Health and Life History Project (switch to another service) site.

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