Already this summer, noted the Crime prevention council, BRÅ, theft offences were the category that declined the most in the number of reported crimes for the first half of 2018. Within this category was inbrottsstöld one of the types of crimes that decreased the most.

the Facts of the matter: to Resolve the police less crime?

the Police’s own statistics, that the DN has taken part of, shows that the same positive trend has continued during the fall. The figures show 2018 up to last november compared with the same period of time in 2017 have just over 5,000 fewer attempted break-ins and burglary reported in Sweden. In recent years, the figure for January to november, otherwise, remained stable at around 20,000, the now lands it on 14.755.

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a large decline in the Stockholm county, the number is approximately 2,000 notifications lower.

– the border police have managed to catch a lot of them involved with the burglary. You may see it as a tendency and not as a truth. You should be careful with statistics, it may be a coincidence, ” says Kjell Lindgren, presstalesperson of the Police.

He points out, however, that it is often labeled the fort if the police manages to get hold of some which commit this type of crime.

– It is often at the gränspoliskontroller to access them. We succeed sometimes and then, it can be seen in the statistics. It is good that it reduces the. No real explanation is difficult to have. It is seasonal also, there is less of a burglary in the summer, then increases during christmas, new year and in January, says Kjell Lindgren.

the encouraging numbers is that the border police has conducted efforts at the border aimed specifically against the international criminal network and the mobile criminal groups.

Per-Arne Kaati is the commissioner and head of the gränspolisens utredningssektion.

– In January 2018, we started a bet, which was called Trinity. It was about training programs in the lokalpolisområden on organised gangs who come here and commit theft offences. I believe that the decline in burglaries is an effect of it, ” says Per-Arne Kaati.

– the Number started going down in January, then it continued to go down and then you can see a connection with that we started the bet.

According to the Kaati it is often organised international criminal network that is behind the house-breakings.

” They’re working professionally with it here. In our part, we have reinforced our border controls, we have good intelligence and we will stop people at the border who is about to commit a crime. It is very much about sharing information with other agencies and to work together and have the same situational awareness. Then one can find methods to work against this crime.

be a dark month, both literally and regarding the burglary. In several parts of the Stockholm region, the police has still not seen the expected rise and rise of burglaries in the year. An exception is the southern parts of Stockholm, including lokalpolisområde the Globe, where, according to kommunpolis Daniel Granström, on the contrary, have seen a greater increase than expected.

” We’ve got a greater knowledge in the lokalpolisområden. You can use the aliens act, you can do internal checks on the people who are driving at night. When we increase our controls we get more hit on people who don’t have the right to stay here. The more we are that makes the controls, the better it gets, ” says Per-Arne Kaati.

Multikriminella are among both swedes and foreigners, he points out.

” But we have worked long-term with continuity against international crime. We have learned of their modus. It’s like ”Cops and robbers”, we are getting better all the time when we’re working long-term.