As I have got it told, it started for me with a förskolefröken of the sms ranches in texas, like every small children on their backs to the rest of the dinner. They fell asleep bums.

I became stuck in the difficult beroendeträsket and prayed for years my mom to tickle me on the back. Not scratching, rafs rafs, but with the touch of a finger, easy easy.


Then there are some things you stop to ask her mother about. When will little far in a relationship, one may ask a lover.

Nowadays it is more often the feet than the back I am asking for. Name is unnecessary here, but there are those who perceive it more as a demanding call than a cozy moment on the couch when I sneak up on my feet. With a certain right, yes yes.

My feet smell like never, I must still stress. They are not beautiful, more large and klumpedunsiga than the pain, but the walking and running very well and they almost sweat not at all like that in the vardagslag.

Sometimes it is my feet there and craves to be massaged, or every on without anything happening. I perceive it as a silent protest from the knee, they are located in. I might sometimes wave with your toes as a hint, but I don’t think oblivion is the problem. Other times it goes better, if it is at my feet side. Then they are massaged, every on the, on the top, bottom, in the arch where it tickles you have to take it easy, and so squeeze a little on your toes. Again. Replace the foot. Repeat.

is so much to reciprocate the massage, but I can offer another in exchange. For example, if you want me to moltiga during a sportsändning and not start talking about oväsentligheter just when Dortmund finally takes the ball, as the planning of the easter break or the summer, if the birthday gifts which must be on and remember, and if anyone knows if we have any cat food left that the cat eat, then you should tickle me under my feet.

Then I’m completely silent. If you want to get me to promise anything, so you should tickle me under your feet, and to convince to continue for a long time. Then I become quite soft, then I can promise anything, too much.

a Little higher up, and so replace, thanks. Repeat.