”Incorrect,” was Trump’s summary of cohen’s many incriminating data during Wednesday’s sworn congressional hearing, which he called ”fake”. He criticized the house of representatives to not have planned if the hearing to a later date, so that it does not clash with the summit and said that the only good thing was that Cohen confirmed that there had been any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
what Cohen said in the interview. The verbatim quote is: ”Was there anything strange with these recurring praises of Putin? Yes. But I’m not sure I can answer whether there was collusion”. In another part of the interview, he said that Trump definitely felt that Wikileaks stole massive amounts of e-mails from the New server.
Cohen is sentenced to three years in prison for having lied in interviews, but claims that he made it for her’s loyalty to his long-standing employer and that he since then came on better thoughts and turned the Trump back. The president has spent several Twittermeddelanden and other statements to defame his former right-hand man.
Cohen to congress: ”Trump is more racist in private”
Martin Gelin: the united states has not seen anything like it since Watergate