president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, criticizes on Monday the u.s. central bank director, Jerome Powell, and comparing him with a bad golfer.

In an update on Twitter writes Trump that the u.s. economy is stronger than ever.

‘The only problem our economy has is centralbankdirektøren’, writes Trump and adds that Jerome Powell does not understand the market and the necessity of war.

‘Centralbankdirektøren is like a powerful golfer who can’t score, because he does not have the feel of the game. He can not put!’ write Trump and got immediately the u.s. stock market to fall further.

on Monday, the Dow fell Jones index by 2.9 percent, while the broader S & P 500 closed at minus 2.7 percent.

December has been a bad month for the u.s. stock market. Photo: AP

Trumps tweet causing concern on Wall Street, where there is a fear that the president could find to guys Jerome Powell and thus destabilise the economy further.

– He openly declare war on christmas, says the u.s. finanshistoriker Peter Conti-Brown for the Associated Press.

– We have never before seen any like this total and direct attack. It is a disaster for the central bank, a disaster for the president and a disaster for the economy, he says.

Aktienedturen in the UNITED states began in earnest in the last week, where the market fell by seven percent – the biggest decline in a week in ten years.