the president Donald Trump officials of criminal investigation, public hearings will continue being the United states of former Ukrainian ambassador to Marie Yovanovitchin consultation.

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Trump fired Yovanovitchin unexpectedly resigned in the summer. Yovanovitchin is estimated to speak at the hearing received fired and the events preceding. Yovanovitch had objected to Kiev to put pressure on.

Before the house intelligence committee has consulted the Us embassy in Ukraine, currently led by the William Taylor , as well as foreign ministry officials George Kent .

officials of criminal investigation in the core are suspect, which, according to Trump’s pressure, the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyiä to investigate the Trump only candidate in the presidential election aimed at democrats Joe Biden son the makings of Ukraine. This would mean that Trump would have used Us foreign policy to their own gain.

see also :

the Ambassador: “Trump interested in Biden-studies of the U.S. Ukraine policy more” Yle followed the officials of the crime investigation tv hearings as a direct

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