Michael Cohen, which has become a problem for president Donald Trump, had previously said it is prepared to set up and be questioned before the congress on 7 February. But on 23 January, Cohen that he will not appear in any public hearing.

he received a series of threats against his family from both the Donald Trump from his lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

Donald Trump had then asked the people to ”keep an eye on the” cohen’s father-in-law Fima Shusterman, writes CNBC.

On Monday came a new announcement from Cohen, who will soon launch a three-year prison sentence for several crimes, that he will set up but before the house of representatives underrättelsekommitté, and then only behind closed doors, writes the news agency Reuters.

democrat Adam Schiff, explains in a statement that Cohen has conveyed its concern tillkommittén:

”Mr. Cohen has conveyed to the committee its legitimate concerns about their own safety as well as that of their families, fostered by inappropriate comments made by the president and his lawyer.”

Cohen will be set up with the new lawyers around him as he changes out of the previous New York-the lawyers, Guy Petrillo and Amy Lester against former federal prosecutor Michael Monico and his partner Barry Spevack, writes the New York Times.

also came the task of the special prosecutor Robert mueller’s extensive Rysslandutredning now, after two years, is about to end. An answer that surprised many because the evidence suggests that Mueller is not ready yet.

” Right now the investigation is close to completion, I think, said U.S. deputy attorney general Mathew Whitaker, according to USA Today.

“I look forward to take part of the result as soon as possible,” said Whitaker who has been openly critical of the investigation before he assumed his post as acting minister of justice.

When Muellerutredningen well will be completed remains to be seen how much of it will become public.