According to the news agency McClatchy has phone data traced back to Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen, who suggests that he was in Prague during the late summer of 2016. McClatchy has received this information from four independent sources. In addition, an eastern european intelligence services have been tracking a Russian conversation in which it was claimed that Cohen was in Prague, according to two additional sources of McClatchy.

true, it can confirm the allegations of collusion between Trumps campaign and Russia, which were compiled in a series of documents by the british spy Christopher Steele before the presidential election. Trump has previously rejected canada’s economic capital document as “a dustbin”. According to the canada’s economic capital document shall Michael Cohen have taken over the responsibility for the campaign’s contacts with Russia after that of Paul Manafort, Trumps earlier kampanjchef, was fired. The meeting in Prague, according to Steele, have been about Cohen and the Russian contacts discussed just a strategy to cover up the dealings that may have taken place during the election campaign. Even the special prosecutor Robert mueller’s ongoing investigation into the Trump, and Russia’s contacts should have received access to these data, according to McClatchy.

Cohen has worked with Mueller after he admitted a series of finansbrott in August. He must so far have been interviewed in more than 70 hours of Mueller and his staff. In december, he was sentenced to three years in prison, a punishment that likely abated by the cooperation. Mueller’s investigation has indicted 25 russians, and three companies of cyberattacken against the united states during the election campaign in 2016. None of Trump’s employees have so far been indicted or convicted for dealings with Russia.

prosecutors during the Watergate scandal that got president Richard Nixon to resign, telling McClatchy that this disclosure would be important to strengthen the evidence of an association between Trump and Russia.

” this is a very important step forward, because it looks like a direct link between Donald Trump’s personal fixer, and the russians who likely was involved in to disrupt our electoral process. It would prove that they lied not only about Prague, but about much else, ” she says.

Michael Cohen has made it clear that his work was guided in detail by Donald Trump. “Nothing in Trump’s organization is made without the approval of Trump,” he said in a tv interview recently.