The postponed vote on the Brexit agreement in the British Parliament will be held in the third week of January. The Prime Minister Theresa May announced on Monday in Parliament in London. The debate will continue in the week before.

May had actually, for the 11. In December, the referendum in the last Moment, because a significant defeat loomed. She still hopes that they can prevail with their Brexit-Deal in Parliament. But it seems now more than doubtful. A vote of confidence last week in their own group May have won, but more than a third of the conservatives in their distrust.

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EU exit fears the UK May “irreparable harm” by the second Brexit vote

Should be rejected with the Brussels agreement negotiated by the Parliament, threatens the 29. March 2019, a unregulated Brexit, with incalculable consequences for the economy and Chaos in many areas of life. The British voters had voted in June 2016, with a narrow majority for the exit of the UK from the EU. (dpa)