After that global emissions remained constant in the three years they grew in 2017 and utsläppskurvan shows no signs of turning down. It means that the distance between where we are when it comes to emissions and where we need to be in order to reach the climate goals has been increased.

the Distance is usually called the utsläppsgap and in its annual report on how large this gap is, notes the united nations environment programme that the development goes in the wrong direction and that the world’s countries need to increase their ambitions significantly in order to reach the goal of the paris agreement to keep warming well below 2 degrees with the ambition 1.5 degrees.

record levels of eur 53.5 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2017, an increase of 0.7 gigatonnes compared with 2016.

Read more: Record levels of greenhouse gases

If the two-degree target with 66 per cent security is to be achieved by the year 2100 may emissions not exceed about 40 gigatonnes in 2030, and if the warming is limited to 1.5 degrees, they should then not exceed 24 gigatons.

the Report notes that it is extremely unlikely to reach the 2-gradersmålet if not utsläppsgapet is closed about twelve years, by the year 2030.

If only a few days, on Sunday 2 december, representatives from nearly 200 countries will gather in the Polish Katowice for the UN’s major climate summit, COP24, where they will discuss how the objectives of the paris agreement is to be achieved.

They will also discuss the ambitions will be increased in the national commitments, the countries have submitted about their jobs, with measures for climate change.

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the commission notes that the measures are far from sufficient to reach the temperaturmålen.

the Authors of the report have reviewed the national commitments are on the table, and notes that the countries must increase their ambition threefold to reach 2 degrees, and five-fold in order to reach the goal to limit warming to 1.5 degrees.

” the Science is clear; in spite of all the ambitious measures against climate change that we have seen so governments must act faster and more decisively. We nourish this fire despite the fact that the gear to extinguish it is within reach, ” says Joyce Msuya, executive vice president at the UN environment agency, in a press release.

Read more: Historical shift required to reach the climate goals

The new report confirms the message of the report from the UN’s climate panel, the IPCC recently concluded that it is still possible to reach the goal of 1.5 degrees, but that it requires “rapid and extensive changes of the entire society in a scale that is unprecedented”.

today’s report holds, among other things, that actors from civil society as cities, municipalities, regions but also the business community and organisations playing an increasingly significant role in stabilising the climate by having more ambitious objectives than those that exist at the national level. The stakeholders pointed also out that the key players for global warming.

Carefully designed financial and fiscal policies are pointed also out that anything that can increase the possibility to sharpen climate change.

“When governments adopt fiscal measures to favour options with low emissions and at the same time, taxing fossil fuels so they can stimulate the right investment in the energy sector and greatly reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases,” says Jian Liu, chief scientist of the UN environment programme.

to fossil fuels would be phased out, global emissions could be reduced by up to 10 per cent by the year 2030. With a price of 70 U.S. dollars per tonne of emissions of carbon dioxide would reductions with up to 40% to be possible in some countries, according to the UN report.