the little finger bone, three teeth and a piece of the mandible. That much has been found in the human species, the denisovan people, who were the neanderthal people in addition to our closest relatives we.

a Particularly well-preserved finger bone belonged to a young girl.

No one would think that the finger piece can be draw anyone’s appearance – let alone the kind of people who have lived 70 000-80 000 years ago. Researchers have, however, enabled new methods, with the help of ancient DNA comes off more and more information.

the children of Israel the researchers concluded the girl appearance DNA methylation patterns. Genes determine heredity, but metylaatiolla has an impact on activation and whether genes. Methylation does not change the DNA of the original sequences but reacts to environmental factors.

Neanderthals is actually engisiläinen

the Modern man, Homo sapiens, left Africa receptors by 60, 000 years ago. The same roots were in Europe and Asia evolved long before the other two human species, denisovan and neanderthal inhmisten.

the neanderthals has been known for a rich 150-year period. Name they have received from Germany the Neanderthal valley, according to the. Then the discoveries was a new species and realized that its remnants had been found before, Engisinlaaksosta from Belgium.

the neanderthals and their culture is much in evidence across Europe and Asia, and also several of the individuals DNA. Denisovan people instead came to the family tree as a surprise to only a decade ago, when their remains found denisovan cave in Southern Siberia.

Last spring Cell journal (you move to another service) appeared in the study according to family photos, we can be even more complicated. When denisov scale genome was searched this day inhabitants of Southeast Asia and New Guinea, were found in three different lines, one of which is so abnormal, that it may be absolutely new species.

Fresh research, with the picture looking denisovalaistyttö, is released as Cell-in the journal (you move to another service). The face of Jerusalem the Hebrew university (you move to another service) the researchers figured out the skeletal structure.

Methylation by examining out, for example, was the femur, long or short, explains the geneticist David Gokhman , research articles, second author.

in the Picture in the middle is the researchers ‘ conclusions denisovan human skeleton. On the right the neanderthals, left modern man. Maayan Harel / Hebrew University

the research methods were first tested by comparing the two species, whose anatomy has long been familiar, i.e. modern humans and chimpanzees. The method predicted 85% correctly. Denisov under the precise dimensions sought, but the focus was on probability.

the study of another director, genetics professor Liran Carmel, rejoices with the study conclusions without waiting for the received additional confirmation from the jawbone discovery.

It was reported, when the study had just been sent to peer review. A quick examination showed that the jaw fits exactly to Carmel group by the other.

according to Them, denisov under looked in many ways neandertalilais evening. They had, inter alia, a long face, sloped forehead and wide hips.

on the other Hand, they found 56 their own features. Of those, 34 were in the skull, among other things, extended the dental arch and lateral broad skull.

the researchers are considering whether they would join denisov underground habitat. Do they, for example, why denisov underground survived Siberia in extreme cold?

Hive’s DNA can tell a lot of

hit as a proven method promises to Carmel, according to the good also for future studies, although the work is still in front of the lot.

– denisov under anatomy study can tell us about human adaptation, evolutionary constraints, gene-environment connection function and disease dynamics, Carmel said.

the Results are according to him, the step is also in that direction, that one day the individual’s appearance can be deduced from DNA, which he sets to find.

Denisovalaistytön get to do the first three-dimensional model, in which the facial image is based on. Maayan Harel /Hebrew University

as well As the neanderthals that denisov underground became extinct tens of thousands of years ago. Sekaliittoja thanks to both live however, the small genome is likely in every modern man in – on average we have a few percent neanderthal, mela nesia up to six percent denisov underground.

That the hive is missing only in those african, whose family does not have over the millennia become returnees charged by Eurasia.

the Cohabitation began our ancestors to travel into Africa neanderthals and denisov scale residential areas. Those meetings memories is studies found, inter alia, our hair and our skin color and your immune system will be in operation.

ear meningitis death disease?

the neanderthals of the time took a long time. They became extinct only 40 000 years ago. Which is what sealed their fate, although modern man survive? It is neandertalilais studies big question.

the Latest explanation of the proposals provide the New York state university (you move to another service) biological anthropology scholars, as well as head and neck diseases scientists.

The Anatomical Record (you move to another service) in the journal published by the according to the study, the neanderthals of the killer wasn’t any of the exotic virus or bacteria, but we have the usual infant problems, an ear infection.

– Explanation may sound far-fetched, but when we found out what kind of ear horns neanderthals had, similar to the infant with the ears was obvious, says associate professor Samuel Marquez .

middle ear infection is in infants the most common because their eustachian tube his tight bend to accumulate in the sensitive bacteria.

the ear infection is easy to suppress with antibiotics, and there is danger to life for the modern man slap on it. Five years around their ear horns are already lengthened and bend you straighten out the to the extent that ear infections are usually history.

Neanderthals ear got infected because of their construction easier.SUNY Downstate Healh State University

the neanderthals have eustachian tube of the structure is not changed, even though they grew up in, so they suffer when they’re adults ear infections. They, in turn, result in complications, such as hearing reduction, lung fever and poor general condition, Marquez lists.

– constantly affected by a dominant people was not in such condition that it would be unable to compete effectively for food and other resources with Homo sapien. In a world where the strongest survive, it is no wonder that the winner was a modern man.

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