There is a price for everything. You can help to take your birth control pills – which there are all sorts of psychological and physiological and sexologiske reasons to do – but it can also mean that you suddenly get the urge for other men than your boyfriend. With all the risks it may involve.

in any case It is what a new study indicate.

Previously, other studies suggested that women who took one or another form of svagerskabsforebyggende hormone preparation (hereinafter simply referred to as the pill), when they met their regular partner were less satisfied with the relationship and sexual arousal, as they kept taking the pills and the increased risk of divorce.

the Theory is that the hormones in the pills affect the woman’s partnerpræferencer, as they put the woman’s natural cycle at the break. And it is most evident in the period when she is most fertile. It should indicate that the p-pillespisende woman does not follow his natural instincts, when it comes to partnervalg.

instead of finding a girlfriend who is the most best-possible genetic scoop (big and strong), she chooses instead a better man with omsorgspotentiale.

the Researchers behind the new study created two experiments to investigate whether a woman in the most fertile part of her cycle get the urge to strange men, when she stops taking the pill.

In one delstudie as the female participants (all with partner) videos of the two men, who were made as the video profiles on an adult dating. The one man was nice and described himself as a bad boy and had a row, which is associated with masculinity, but not so much with faithfulness: Oplevelsessøgende, easy to boredom, adventurous.

The second man was the more ordinary of appearance out and described as also of himself as completely ordinary.

The female participants should then describe a possible date with the two men. In the stories led the researchers after the expression, which signals the woman’s desire for sex with the man.

Tekstanalyserne showed that only women who were in their fertile phase, and who had taken oral contraceptives when they met their girlfriend, but that did not make it any longer, had sex with the bad boy.

Kiss & love – 15. oct. 2018 – at. 21:20 Here is a women ready for sex

But in and with the dangerous guy and the general were not only different on appearance but also on reliability, scientists could not quite determine what weighted here.

Therefore, they made a second experiment, which was not indicated anything about the man’s character traits, so it primarily was about whether women were attracted by the man’s appearance.

Here, the women make a task on the computer, which was about something completely different. At the same time, they are presented with photos of attractive and not so attractive men. So could researchers then see how much attention, unconsciously, the women gave different men.

And again the result was that the women who had taken oral contraceptives when they met the boyfriend, but no longer did so, and as had ovulation and thus, was the most fertile, was most attracted by the handsome men. Which according to scientists is a sign that they have less desire to apply strategies that protect their relationship against the mischievous strangers.

There are some limitations of the study. It was only the women’s declared cycle, the researchers used, which allows for major errors and fluctuations. We examined women’s actual actions in real meetings, so we don’t know if the f.ex. would have flirted or his feet with the other men. And there were only a few hundred women in each delstudie.