The lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu is concerned about the social model that drives the extreme right party Vox. The results of the election have been granted a relief to the large party of Santiago Abascal. The ability of influence it has already had on the discourse of the PP, and that has led to a shift to the right during the campaign, now joined by their 12 seats are crucial in order to move the socialist Susana Diaz Government and aupar to the PP, for the first time in 36 years in Andalusia. In his view, the solidarity model of social welfare based on aid to immigrants and to people with fewer resources might suffer, not only in Andalusia, but also generate instability in the rest of Spain. “More than the re-centralization that claim what worries me is the social model that promotes”, has criticized Urkullu. “I don’t share for anything,” he said in a Forum of Economic Expectations organized by the newspaper The Mail and the Bank Santander.

Urkullu is aware that changing the current system of autonomous communities requires majorities of that Vox does not have, and also that the possibility of that to push the PP to a constitutional reform that would go back to a centralist model prior to the Spain of the autonomies is remote. But yes, it is possible that, if the growth of Vox is consolidated in successive elections, municipal, provincial basque and especially in europe, their ability to influence can do to change many things in the field of migration and curb resources for certain Pinbahis aid, in addition to complicate or eliminate the health care to undocumented immigrants, among many other cuts. In the Basque country, the system of Income guarantee ensures a minimum of close to 800 euros, for the individuals that do not reach that income plus another 300 for housing. Aid that grows in the case of families of two or of three or more members.

For the president, “has been a surprise,” the emergence of Vox with this result, and has invited the parties to make “an analysis of the underlying causes that have led to these results, more than the alien causes”. This alliance of right wing parties is concerned about “the extent of the risk of instability or lawlessness. In the Basque country it is more common that the agreement of three parties, not so in Andalusia”.


GRAPH Vox grows where there are more immigrants: a map of their votes in every municipality

general Election

The president has unveiled this Wednesday that when Mariano Rajoy came out of the presidency of the Government he was in favour of convening general election, but has avoided giving his opinion on the current situation: “I’m Not in the skin of Pedro Sanchez, fortunately,” he commented.

To Urkullu asked if, in view of the results, the PNV, regretted having dropped to Rajoy. The lehendakari recalled that at that time the PP was condemned in a judgment. “As we forget this, we are making a wrong analysis. As a result, Citizens withdrew its support, and having taken that decision, the rest we could not guarantee the end of the legislature. Until the judgment, there was the option of [Rajoy] to resign as party chairman and remain as chairman of the Government. There was not, and needed renovation by a question of ethics”, has defended.

Urkullu has confessed that then, with the departure of Rajoy, he thought that the legislature was exhausted and that the best thing would have been to call for elections now. “It has not been. What now? I’m not in the skin of Pedro Sanchez, fortunately,” he said.