US President Donald Trump has said Turkey, according to information from the White house, no extradition of the preacher Fethullah Gülen. At the G20 summit in Buenos Aires two weeks ago, there had been no such commitment Trumps to the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said a senior U.S. government representative on Monday evening (local time) in Washington. Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was reported in Parliament in Ankara on alleged US efforts to expel gülen’s.

The Turkish government makes Gülen lives in exile in the USA for the coup attempt of July 2016 responsible. According to Cavusoglus Trump and Erdogan spoke on the sidelines of the G20 summit on Turkey’s demand for gülen’s extradition. “Trump has said that there are efforts, especially the terrorist leader to be shown,” said Cavusoglu on Monday with a view to Gülen. The Turkish government is demanding the United States the extradition of gülen’s and more than 80 of his alleged followers.

The U.S. Department of justice said that it will review “all new Material”, the Ankara in connection with the extradition request. A decision will be made “on the Basis of the facts and the relevant U.S. laws”.

The U.S. Department of justice, authorities have accused meanwhile, two Suspects, to have acted according to Conviction, the Prosecutor’s office as “illegal agents” of the Turkish government in the United States. The Americans Bijan Rafiekian and the Turk Kamil Ekim Alptekin should have tried to the extradition of gülen’s work, such as the Ministry of justice on Monday (local time) announced. Rafiekian and Alptekin should have worked with trump’s former National security Advisor, Michael Flynn.

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Flynn had for the extradition of gülen’s pronounced

Flynn is accused in a separate process. There, he has given to the judicial authorities, gives false information to its cooperation with the Turkish government. The Turkish government makes Gülen for the coup attempt of July 2016 responsible and calls for his extradition.

Flynn – in the new procedure as “Person A” had founded jointly with Rafiekian a company called “Flynn Intel Group”. The company received for the three-month project for Turkey, according to information from the judicial authorities of 530,000 dollars (about 467.000 Euro). In the new indictment, it says that the objective was a “conspiracy” to influence U.S. politicians and public opinion against Gülen, with the aim to achieve its delivery.

The judicial authorities, Alptekin have kept Turkish government representative on the project to date and their instructions to Rafiekian and Flynn submitted. The Budget for the project had been decided by the Turkish government representatives to “Cabinet level”. Alptekin is said to have concealed the payments with your own company.

Flynn had on 8. November 2016 – the day of the U.S. presidential election – a post on the news site “The Hill” published, in which he objected vehemently for a extradition of gülen’s. Flynn is cooperating with FBI special investigator Robert Mueller, which examines, among other things, whether or not it has intelligence agreements between the representatives of Russia and the Trump camp in the election campaign of 2016. On Tuesday is to be announced in Washington the penalty. Due to the cooperation of Flynn’s has spoken out Mueller for custody exemption.

Turkey attacks hard against Gülen members

representatives of the Gülen-informed movement in the United States, the new indictment does not show that the government is afraid of Erdogan’s before that, back to break US laws. This is not surprising, because Erdogan’s government had set the rule of law in Turkey. We expect and hope that the Turkish efforts for the extradition of gülen’s remained inconclusive.

Rafiekian (66) lives in California. Alptekin (41) holds, according to the indictment, in Istanbul and along the Turkish and Dutch citizenship. The two are accused of conspiracy and illegal agent activity for the Turkish government. Alptekin is also accused of the four times a false statement to the Federal police FBI. Rafiekian up to 15 years in prison, Alptekin up to 35 years threaten.

Gulen has lived for a long time in exile in the US in the state of Pennsylvania. He denied any involvement in the attempted coup, had been beaten. According to official Turkish figures, more than 250 people were killed in the coup attempt were killed.

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Turkish call Why gülen’s extradition is not in Trumps

Thomas Seibert

Since the coup attempt of 2016, the Turkish government against alleged members of the Gülen movement hard. According to official Figures from mid-November have been taken since 2016 because of alleged Links to the coup leaders around 218.000 people. More than 140,000 people have been dismissed from the state service. (dpa)