Last year, were reported more rapes and rape than in the past, but at the same time decreased the number of solved crimes. 2014 low of solved rape of 11.6 per cent, a figure that, in 2018, fell 7.4 percent. It means that not even one out of ten rapes lead to prosecution, reports the SVT’s uppdrag granskning.

police and prosecutors mired in a joint report that the suspect is, in principle, should always be consulted before a våldtäktsutredning is put down. In the prosecutors ‘ manual, ”Handling of crime in a close relationship,” it says also that a hearing should be held, as it in one way or another can lead to data for the investigation forward.

” We get to learn that you can never know what the person is saying. Perhaps the admit, it may permit the circumstances that can lead to further investigation, ” says Katarina Olsson, prosecutor at the prosecution office in Uddevalla to the program.

the Mapping Mission Review done for show, for example, that 40 per cent of the investigations in Karlskrona between 2016 and 2018 was put down but the designated person has been heard. Also in the municipalities of Solna and Sundbyberg, in the same borders Stockholm Nord, was was the third investigation during the same period, but that the suspect has been heard.