The designated CSU Chairman Markus Söder looks after the alleged asylum seekers in the Bavarian town of Amberg attacks on passers-by is no reason for a new policy debate on the right of asylum. It had to be responding to the incidents “with the utmost determination, but also prudence,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister, on Thursday before the start of the closed meeting of the CSU land group in the monastery of Seeon. It is the first investigation of the incidents and a massive reinforcement of the police presence on the ground.

Söder is on 19. January will be chosen to be the successor of Horst Seehofer as CSU leader. To investigated the consequences of Amberg, but he is also the contact to the other party the Chairman of the Grand coalition, the CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and SPD Leader Andrea Nahles.

initially, existing laws are strictly applied, and, if possible, of deportation obstacles to overcome. A renewed fundamental discussion was unnecessary, the citizens wanted no such theory debates.

How Söder said, wanted to travel to Bavaria’s interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) on Thursday to Amberg and the Situation on the ground. There, gathered according to Reports, as a reaction of the attack of the extreme Right of organized citizens to fight back.

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Söder has criticized both the Attacks on the passers-by sharply as well as the attempt by the extreme Right, the transactions. It could not go through to distinguish that AfD and NPD departments, as citizens tried. (AFP)