The FDP has no understanding of, that will contain the factional Hessian coalition of the CDU and the Greens in the vote on the safe countries of origin in the Bundesrat. “The Greens want to prevent in the state of Hesse is now a consent for the expansion of safe countries of origin in the Federal Council clearly shows: The claim of woman Baerbocks to a more consistent deportation was probably just hot air,” said Marco Buschmann, first Parliamentary Secretary of the FDP, the daily mirror. “But of a more proactive immigration policy for Qualified also the mirror image: the systematic deportation of Criminals just mandatory. The Greens arrive in the duty finally in reality.“

Should contain the Hessian coalition in fact, in the Federal Council, there would be no majority for the bill of the Federal government. This is to explain Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Georgia safe countries of Origin. As a result, the asylum accelerated procedure for refugees from these countries, and the applicant is deported to a rejection faster.

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Green party leader Baerbock wants to let criminals faster deport

Cordula Eubel

The Federal government had proposed new law based on the grounds that the asylum procedures for citizens of the four States is almost always a rejection. In the past year, the Federal office for Migration and refugees received a total of approximately 8,700 asylum applications of people from the three North African countries as well as from Georgia. The recognition rate for Georgia was 2017 at 0.6 per cent for Algeria at 2.0 percent, for Morocco at 4.1 percent, and for Tunisia at 2.7 percent. (Tsp, dpa)