The leader of Vox in Andalusia, Francisco Serrano, has advanced this Wednesday that his party will constitute a negotiating committee to reach an agreement for the appointment with PP and Citizens, if both formations closed a agreement of Government. “We’re not going to be an obstacle to the exit of the PSOE in andalusia, but we’re not going to allow us ninguneen,” he warned. Vox won 12 seats out of the total 109 in the elections in andalusia and are the key to the bloc of rights superseded the PSOE, after 36 years of socialist Governments, without interruption.


PP, and Citizens will be supported in Vox to control the andalusian Parliament Who voted for Vox in Andalusia

The PP and Citizens began Tuesday the negotiations to reach a pact that will allow them to control the Table of the Parliament and then form a Government. Vox has pointed out that is not intended to enter the andalusian Government because they do not want to “charge or armchairs”, but that is to expected that, once PP and Citizens to close down a Government agreement, calling them to negotiate a pact endowment “because without the Vox may not have any Government”, has ditched the exmagistrado Serrano.

“One thing is that we go with humility, and another to treat us with contempt (…) Both our party and our voters deserve to be treated with dignity,” he said. Serrano said that they are “certain points of view and a program that we want to negotiate with us”, without specifying what measures it will require to change your support. “Once you have already been aware that we exist after the 2D, it is necessary to talk with us to know who we truly are and what are our proposals for the good of Andalusia”, he added.

on the other hand, the number one for the Seville of the PP, the former minister Juan Ignacio Zoido, will not take possession of his seat in the andalusian Parliament and will remain in the Congress. Zoido binds to the senator and number one by Cádiz, José Ortiz, who also resigned his seat. Both are part of the fee charges that the leader of the PP, Paul Married, prevailed in the lists in andalusia and now the roll-over election has disrupted the plans outlined.