TO BE the ELVIS FAN. in the 1960’s was no joke. It meant that they had to find themselves in mockery and bullying from everyone who thought british pop music was the only thing that mattered. To be a teenager in this era meant to relate to the music. The standard was set by The Beatles. Or of The Rolling Stones, for those who would be tougher in the face. But the girls were wild for the Beatles. They screamed the lungs out of themselves along the benchuca while “A Hard Day’s Night” and “Help” went to the movies.

WE LIKED Elvis, went however, on the premiere three times in the year and so the latest from Elvis Presley. We did not know that the hero himself was am full of these films, but that he was hogtied by an agreement made between Hollywood and colonel Tom Parker, Elvis manager. We worshipped Elvis, bought soundtrackene and played them again and again, despite the quirky songs like “Song of The Shrimp” and “There’s No Room to Rumba In A Sportscar”. How had we come to like Elvis?

A COUPLE of BUDDIES had older sisters they had inherited platesamlingene. Like all the others we heard on Radio Luxembourg, where they had their own show dedicated to Elvis. We simply had good taste and open your ears for the unique voice from Tupelo, Mississippi. Some of the movies were so old that we had to finlese programs to lokalkinoene in Oslo to get them. Where they were set up in the replay, in låvelignende buildings and community centres on the Golia, Løren, Roa and so on. We met like-minded people from other parts of the city, also members of the Elvis-the guerrillas, the people who later would win the Double or nothing on the Elvis or the be legendary leaders of the Elvis fan clubs.

50-YEAR CELEBRATION: is A giant ape is released to celebrate the great triumph for Elvis in 1968. Show more

BUT THEN CAME 1968 . Suddenly traveled Elvis in full size in a show no one had seen before. Without a second hesitation he took the throne back. “If you’re lookin’ for trouble, you’ve come to the right place”. Still living the myth of this show. In these days comes a giant box with five CD’s and two Blu-ray discs with seven and a half hour movie. Here is everything that can be imagined by sound and images. A huge book in LP-format are also included on the bandwagon. There you can find lots of images, so-called memorabilia (telegrams, advertisements, handwritten notes, etc.), interviews with people who were with when it happened and still lives. There is obviously always something new to say about pophistoriske events like this.

OUR PAST bullies looked on in amazement. Some were on the verge of the saved. Suddenly, they could come and try out with that “Elvis is not so bad yet”. It bounced, of course. They just got a crooked smile back. We had been right the whole time. The others had been wrong. Good Elvis-christmas to all. And especially to my brethren in the spirit from the residue of the hardness of their days.