the Ice floes is as an intricate pattern around the small square-shaped fenced in.
the Whales swim usually many kilometers per day, and can in this way keep up the body heat even in cold water. But no such opportunity is not available for the 10 späckhuggarna and 87 vitvalarna which have been driven together in small basins in the Russian Srednjaja.
In drönarbilder taken by Russian activists are seen hordes of white shadows moving aimlessly in circles around each other.
has come to be called ”valfängelset” in the east of Russia was published by the animal rights activists in October last year. Four companies singled out as responsible for the activity of the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta.
the Companies have captured the whales during the summer of the same year with the intention of selling them to the chinese water parks, which is illegal since an international ban on commercial valfiske entered into force in 1986.
But in China, water parks, a booming industry. On average, opened a new plant each month in the country, reports the news agency Reuters. Killer whales are particularly sought-after. A single animal can be sold for millions of dollars.
fate has given rise to the protest lists, and statements from well-known actors as Leondardo Dicaprio. The whales are reported to suffer from health problems such as malnutrition and hypothermia caused by the cold water. Several whales have died in captivity.
A police investigation has been established, and in January were recovered, the animals of the Russian authorities.
Now, freedom is near for the whales.
Oceanographer Jean-Michel Cousteau, and the tsar’s minister of the environment Dmitry Kobylkin. Photo: Kirill Kudryavtdsev/AFP
oceanographer Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of the legendary marinbiologen and havsfantasten Jacques Costeau, to Russia to meet the country’s environment minister Dmitry Kobylkin.
the Minister regretted that the whales can not be released immediately, because the cold water is liable to kill them. It should instead take place in the summer.
Jean-Michel Cousteau seemed positive after the meeting.
” We will drop out the majority of the whales, if not all, where they were captured. In this way, we hope that they can reunite, not only with their own kind, but with their families and friends, ” he said.
Read more: International campaign against valfängelse in Russia