In the so-called bucket list new year’s resolutions? Glenn Carstens Peters/Unsplash

the future direction of the people have already bought in the year 2019 calendar and rustailevat excited about tagging the pages.

Birthday party, winter vacation, summer vacation, courses, other similar. Entry at a time, the coming year will take shape more clearly.

In exchange of inspired people turn their thoughts to the obligations and important dates, but also their goals, plans and dreams of their own. He might even develop the so-called ”bucket list”.

So what?

”the bucket list” means a list of things people want to do before they die. The designation dates back to the English people’s language the expression ”to kick the bucket”, kick empty. In Finnish the name of the list is translated, inter alia, to ”crank it”, the expression ”drop dead” inspired.

Grim? Perhaps a little bit. But certain minor can in general belong to Finnish nature, so veivilistat suitable for the new year with our plans like a glove.

new year’s resolutions don’t work Gades Photography/Unsplash

Traditional new year’s promises is often associated with the idea of a prohibition of, or any waiver of.

”I’ll lose Weight.”

”I Quit sweets eating.”

”I Finished my fingernails to chew.”

one of the promises of the again associated with the life changes.

”Field exercise” or ”move more”.

”I Read more/watch less Netflix/hobby thing X more.”

All of these are of course good things. It, how much they produce pleasure, may be another story.

the Target may seem challenging, and the initial enthusiasm after their own advantage the mission of life change becomes an obligation, where in the end you give up entirely. (It’s how early in the new year must have a gym you to ring hollow no later than mid-march, is a cliché for a reason.)

the Traditional new year’s promises stick is so inconvenient. How veivilistan – which we need a new, much more motivating Finnish language designation of the drafting of the then different new year’s resolution setting?

What ”bucket list”? Plush Design Studio/Unsplash

the Bucket list write a things are often more concrete. That’s where the more traditional new year’s resolution-makers vowed to exercise more, a bucket list prepared a write-up he wanted to run a marathon. Or hike a certain route. Or something similar:

”I Tried ballet.”

”Turn all of Southern Finland’s national parks.”

Veivilistaan write the entry are concrete things, actions or experiences that people want to enrich their lives. The new year promises is instead easy to fall into vague haihatteluun.


the promise of keeping or plans, compliance will greatly facilitate the fact that the objectives are clearly set out and to some extent measurable. ”Exercise more” is vague, because we don’t know what ”more” ultimately means. If this remains unclear, how can we even aim our goal?

”I Ran a marathon” instead of a concrete. It set a clear goal: the marathon. Such people also know, whether achieved its goal or not: marathon running is an either-or situation – it either does or does not do.

When the goal is clear, that aiming is easier.

If there’s been promises of moving more, exercise times may be postponed for the foreseeable future, when the sofa beckons to the gym more. After all, a year of time to exercise more, especially if the output level is zero.

a Concrete goal marathon race does not necessarily make out in the rain leaving any more comfortable, but creates slightly more pressure. If the race is signed up, is for it also to be trained.

anything not required for that bucket list entry would consist of just a way of life objectives. Marathon indications for addition to the list can post any wool pair of socks in knitting the sun on the beach for a holiday. So now only my list to write!