In 2018, the tax records become public on Monday morning. Yle will publish during the day a number of tax-related stories from a different perspective.

Who was top of the charts? How to make musicians, athletes and entrepreneurs? What the tax data tell us about society?

we compiled this case link days interested in performing in tax cases by category.

1000 the highest-income

Look at the high earners list – supercell’s Ilkka Paananen was the last year the most ever earned for the Finnish

Last year, the most ever earned for Finnish was a gaming company supercell’s ceo Ilkka Paananen , whose combined income and capital income were around 110 million euros. Yle verokone found on a thousand higher income from the finns.

at Least these names were missing high earners on the list – among a number of more than 10 million earned in

the Media supplied most make of list has this year been able to remove his name from the tax asking. We went through the names, which this year were missing the most worthy of the list, but in recent years has been high in the ranking.

Supercell ceo Ilkka Paananen was the Finnish high-income earners. Also second place to Mikko Kodisoja background is supercell at. Antti Aimo-Koivisto / lehtikuva at the tip of the kahinoissa

of Russian origin Maria Severina rise in high-income Top 10 list – Diagnostics-industry trade spawned more than 36 million

the biggest earners in the tip has risen for the first time in years, women. He is the ceo and dr. Maria Severina . Women’s income in the vanguard have also said the owners of Rafaela Seppälä and Fazer-family Majlen Fazer .

Maria Severina moved from Russia to Finland nearly 30 years ago. He was elected in 2012 uusturkulaiseksi.HyTestValtionyhtiöiden leaders and companies

the Liquid, Fortum, Finnair and solidium’s managing director you made the state companies, the most – Vauramo salary increase 28%

the state of the company the income of the tip of the rose already retired Fluid ceo of the mission in 2018 moved Matti Lievonen.

forestry company UPM climbed higher community tax to pay for the bank fell from the tip of the

the Big banks OP and Nordea have gone for the larger community of taxpayers from the tip. The top spot is now a forestry company UPM. We compiled five of the biggest corporate tax payer, i.e. companies in Finland.


the New mps are making efforts to the parliament a very different starting point – a year in revenues to more than 240 000 the difference between you

Most of the new mps made last year Aki Lindén (sd.), whose income was more than eur 250 000. Ministers income was topped by minister for agriculture and forestry Jari Leppä (kesk.) and him from the minister for transport and communications Sanna Marin (sd.).

Most of the new mps last year made Aki Lindén (sd.), which serves Helsinki and uusimaa health care district as ceo.Pekka Tynell / YleMuusikot

Samu Haber make still money in Germany – Alma revenues fell tumbled

Sunrise Avenue singer Samu Haber , Hello Helsinki-band solo career left the Elsa Tiilikainen and Jenni Vartiainen are examples of Finnish artists, whose income exceeded 200 000 eur. Many of the artist’s income also fell.

Samu Haber enjoys great popularity in Central Europe and especially in Germany Sunrise Avenue -band processed.AOPKirjailijat and actors

the children’s book on good money – hard income of more Mauri Kunnas both the Tatu and Patu books factors

the author of the very income of most one Mauri Kunnas who earned last year, nearly 350 000 euros. Hard income of more actors, in turn, is Martti Suosalo more than 250 000 on the way. Jasper Pääkkönen Hollywood-the salary not the tax information you find out.

Jasper Pääkkönen starred in last year’s Spike lee’s Hollywood movie BlacKkKlansman. He is reported to occur also in the following lee in the film.D. Bedrosian / AOPSometähdet

Sometähdet make increasingly larger amounts of money – Youtube the vagaries of the do, however, make for a challenging

at Least five tubettaja managed to earn more than 100 000 last year.

Tubettaja Mike Bäck increased in recent years, their incomes almost 70 000 euros from the previous year. Mike went to the spring Roni-brother with you Want to be a millionaire? -in the race to answer the wrong Spice Girls -topic question.Kari Pekonen / Ylenuorena

the number of Young people income list the collapsed to almost half – among them not a single woman

Under the mid-rise is the most make the list more surely, if success in games, or hear yritteliääseen the genus. This year, their number in Finland tulokärjesttä however, the collapse.


This is a Finnish sports income tip year 2018: the number one name for almost a million mätkyt – Mäkäräinen hockey star in the middle of the

Sport entry tip in the excellent e-sports players and the KHL in Jokers ranks play ice-hockey players.

Mäkäräinen snow types of income the queen – olympic gold party Iivo Niskanen income in a dramatic drop in

Kaisa Mäkäräinen and Krista Pärmäkoski are the snow species of the number one names the year 2018 tax records. Iivo Niskanen , the taxable income were an olympic champion in about half the previous.

Kaisa Mäkäräinen led to the accumulation of last year, nearly 240 000 of taxable income.

Finnish e-the athlete reached again millions of revenue – tip name change

E-athletes are this year in Finland their taxes to pay athletes hard income of more. The top-ranked e-athletes in the revenue moving in a million.

the E-sports hard premium level wake-up call to the players tax planning – part is already taken-be entrepreneurs: “E-sports of taxation is like the wild, wild west”

the tax administration, according to the report, the e-sports receiving income from the amount calculated in 2018 from the previous year. One reason is that e-athletes are beginning to establish joint stock companies to optimize their tax bills.

Tobias Taavitsainen (oik.) party last year, The International together with teammates anath to Phamin with. Jeff Vinnica/What the tax data tell us today’s Finland?

Analysis: the biggest income we make at this time people’s health, entertainment and all the digi-prefixed, and the amount will only increase

Hoodie and digiväki has been driving revenue at the forefront of the industry and inheritance of the past, writes Yle economic journalist Janne Toivonen analysis.

Finland has developed thousands of super-rich of the bunch – a big part of the live lightly tax through equity income

the federation of Finnish enterprises, according to the super-rich set indicates that the innovation is worth. A tax expert said that the tax encourages the rich to raise capital for business development instead.

Journalists and the media union will make taxman a complaint – a Concern that other authorities limit the information

the Rich have this year been able to deny income and tax data the publication of personal specific reason verote of. Unions want the attorney general to find out where to go for personal reasons, and the boundaries of free speech.

professor of Economics Matti Tuomala keep the Finnish tax as the biggest drawback remains the fact that the average tax burden can be reduced by transferring income chargeable to tax capital revenue. Laura Railamaa / YleTilaa Yle newsletters!

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