It was adopted and voted for egg donation. The changes were along the way and promised to come the year 2020.

New Better-veto make Støre upset

So was the new regjeringssamarbeid, and the christian democratic party has had a veto over the entire bioteknologiloven. And they say a blank no to egg donation. This, after the majority in parliament have voted yes!

How can the Progress with its 4.3 per cent from the election in 2017, to decide over something so huge, and as it is said yes to? The wonder I really.

How can they decide over our body, and what will wants to do? How can we accept that our country is being governed in this way ?

Rages against Ernas kvinnepolitikk: – I’m single, gay, and have children with a friend

Dear Erna, I sits in the unfortunate situation that I can’t have children of their own without the egg because I had eggstokkkreft when I was 21 years old.

Is it really the way it should be in 2019, that I as a woman must travel out of the Uk to get help when I have been so unlucky? But had it been my husband, so we had help. For sæddonasjon is allowed.

You are using arguments that that the child’s rights should weigh heavier than adult desires. You say it is confusing for the child to have two mothers. What about two fathers who have children by sæddonasjon? What about when a child is adopted, then there are two mothers and two fathers, but it is the law. Why?

the Government’s two most criticized matters meet in the ugly union Leader

Where is the gender equality here? Is not women’s needs just as much worth as men? When a man is infertil so help Norway to, but not when it is the woman?

We live in 2019, sæddonasjon has been in use since the 1930s, not to put the Norway back in time, to accept this, but before us!

I’m incredibly disappointed and embarrassed over what takes place in Norway. And I’m not alone about it.