When Paolo Macchiarini in the last year found guilty of research misconduct criticized the Karolinska institutet, among other things, three of the researchers who have sounded the alarm about the Macchiarini then it was felt that the former should have acted against his research.
One was convicted of misconduct, two were blamed.
– There are obvious errors in the institute’s investigation and decision. It is taken on incorrect information, ” said Oscar Simonson, singled out, together with Karl-Henrik Grinnemo and Matthias Corbascio.
not have been allowed to defend himself against the charges and appealed against to the administrative court, which considered that the decision in oredlighetsutredningar cannot be appealed according to the higher education ordinance.
But the Center for justice, a non-profit foundation that works to protect individuals ‘ rights and freedoms, do not agree with. They argue that the överklagandeförbudet in the higher education ordinance, in these cases, contrary to the Echr.
the Researchers had the help of the foundation to appeal to the administrative court of appeal, which on Thursday announced that not hearing the case.
the appeal against the decision to the Supreme administrative court.
– the administrative court of appeal’s decision not to hear the appeal is a negative answer for the rule of law in Sweden. It is basic in the rule of law that the individual that is singled out as the demerits of the authorities must be given the opportunity to defend themselves against accusations in a fair trial before an independent court. It needed a guiding factors in this issue, ” says Fredrik Bergman, director of the Center for justice and agents for the three researchers.