Who is it that goes and goes and never comes to the door? It can be at. But it also seems to be the Uk on the way out of the EU. It was ready for the big “skjebnedagen”, this Tuesday 11. December, when the house of commons in London should vote for the agreement about the divorce as the prime minister Theresa May has signed with the EUROPEAN union. But yesterday had May postpone this decisive battle, about so-called “Brexit”, set in front of a just as sure as the humiliating defeat. Five-day debate about the agreement has shown up at least six groups with completely different views on the EU among the elected representatives and no majority for anything, except to reject the agreement to May.

May and her ministers have in December fueled a strange “campaigning” around the country to persuade voters to push their elected officials to vote for the agreement, and at the same time, her government has come with terrifying warnings about what might happen if the agreement is rejected. But the more May have been struggling to persuade, the longer the list of elected officials from her own conservative party that will vote against her, has grown and counts now reportedly more than a hundred. The conservative has 315 seats and the Democratic Unionistparti (DUP) has 10. She needs 320 votes to save the agreement. When the Labour party, the scottish nationalists in the SNP, the liberal democrats, one hundred of her own toryer and the ten from the DUP will vote against, not the math up, rather not with some defectors from the Labour party.

What now happens is completely unclear. If May go on a defeat, it opens for a political crisis without precedent, with several possible outputs. She can get off a voluntary or be the field, the country can go out of the EUROPEAN union 29. march without any agreement with the chaotic follows, there can be new elections and it can be a new referendum on the EU, which can cancel all the “Brexit”. Valiant May have struggled with this for two and a half years and now appears to meet the wall.

the EUROPEAN court of justice decided the case in a order that gives the Uk the right to withdraw the notice of resignation. A scottish court had asked to get this clarified. But to be able to take such a drastic decision before 29. march is not the british were capable of, and to get a deferral, it requires a unanimous decision from the 27 other EUROPEAN union countries.

last week went May on a blistering defeat when she refused to publish a legal opinion on the agreement from the regjeringsadvokat Geoffrey Cox. The house of commons sentenced her for contempt of Parliament, something that never has happened before, and she had to give in. The nødløsningene that May and the EUROPEAN union have agreed to keep the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland open, can lock the british firm in the Eu customs union forever, according to Cox, is exactly what the supporters of “Brexit” have claimed.

Far from the “Brexit” for the Uk Comment

May is now under pressure to “go to the EU headquarters Brussels and slam håndveska in the table”, as former prime minister Margaret Thatcher, and omforhandle agreement, particularly when it comes to irskegrensa. But both the EUROPEAN commission and the irish prime minister, taoiseach Leo Varadkar, called yesterday this impossible. “This agreement is the best and only possible”, repeated the EU. To omforhandle agreement with May, can tempt some member states to come up with requirement changes, such as rights of fishing, and Spain may come with claims of Gibraltar. To extend the deadline for the May beyond 29. march is possible, but not beyond the elections to the european parliament 23. and 26. may. No one will have the “Brexit” into the election campaign, and then also had to the british to participate in the election.

May buy now time on the home turf, but in the EU ticking clock inexorably towards “Brexit”. In the EUROPEAN union have given up the hope to get the agreement adopted on the british side. The customary summit before the end of the year, 13. and 14. December, is going to be even a “Brexit-summit”, the sugar man. Preparations on a british cliff from the cliffs of Dover out into the unknown with the ensuing chaos is in full swing.

When the british midsummer day in 2016 voted to go out of the EUROPEAN union with a majority of 51,9 percent of the votes, was the majority of the members in the house of commons supporters of the EUROPEAN union. Where is, then, the legitimacy of the people or the elected representatives? Both of the major parties, with a total of 572 of the 650 seats, is not only split in two in the EU-question, but there are roughly at least six sprawling flock and no one has the majority, a will break all ties with the EUROPEAN union, one will have a better deal similar to Canada, will have Mays appointment, will have an EEA-agreement, the Labour party want early elections, but is divided in the view of the new referendum, and a will have a new referendum.

A complex question with so many possible answers are not suitable for referendum.

British entanglement Comment