In the debattinnlegget How do we do it in France, 9 January writes Lise Benedicte Grung about why she believes that fødselsraten in France is higher than in Norway.

She mentions factors such as the widespread use of dagmamma and longer vacations.

There are also structural differences between the Norwegian and the French society that might explain why the birth figures are higher in France than in Norway.

Politics, it is the children of Columnist

their Own home is important to have in place before the first birth, and in Norway 77 per cent of the population of homeowners. In France, the figure is 58 per cent. Many French, especially in Paris, can’t afford to buy, because the average kvadratmeterprisen is located on a 100 000, while the average salary is on the 360.000 million, according to the French statistical agency, INSEE .

At the top comes Europe’s highest skattetrykk 47 per cent. Then the frenchmen out of the rental market, which consists of 15-20 per cent municipal housing (HLM). For comparison constitute the municipal apartments to four per cent in Norway. Those who do not meet the criteria for a municipal residence in France, four of the requirements for the number of square meters and standard, which basically is much lower than in Norway.

In the Political quarter 9 January, launched Knut Arild Hareide the idea to expand the kontantstøtteordningen to also include the students.

another solution, after the French model, can be to make sure that the students start earlier and have a faster studieforløp. While the French medianstudenten is the 21.5 years, the Norwegian 25 years, according to STATISTICS norway. It is explained by the fact that Norwegian pupils in average begins two years later because they either work or take up courses to improve studiepoengene. At the same time they stay along the way.

another important economic factor is that child care is free in France from 3. years, then begins French children at school.

We don’t have more children if everyone is to have heart-shaped peppers in matpakka Debate

May also French parenting role. Pamela Druckerman writes in the book “Bringing up bébé”, about how French children sleep the night through, and sitting neatly at the restaurant. Then there is also more room for the parents as a couple. The award-winning French meal has also been gaining momentum on the fødselstallstatistikken. A boeuf bourguignon with Côte-Topped can accomplish wonders.

On Ernas solicitation, it is just to fire up the pots and the light stearinlysene. Bon appétit.