Juridikläraren Bindu Ammini and the state official Kanaka Durga was historic for more than two weeks ago. With the help of a police escort, they managed to get into the hindu temple, which for centuries has been closed for ”unclean” women in the menstruating age.

since Then, the protests escalated and the women have been hunted venison. More than a thousand people have been arrested in connection with the unrest. One person has been killed and at least 15 have been injured in the clashes between the different groups.

has gone throughout the earth and forced to change the hiding place every day. The women requested the protection in the Supreme court on the grounds that their life is in danger. Kanaka Durga has also been reported to the police his mother-in-law for assault. The older woman, as opposed to tempelbesöket, should have beaten the Kanaka Durga in the head with a stick.

On Friday, decided by the Supreme court in New Delhi that the state government of Kerala is required to offer the women protection around the clock, reports the Indian Express.

the Unrest at the temple has been developed into a political issue at the national level just a few months before India goes to parliamentary elections.

Demonstration at the temple in Sabarimala in Kerala. Photo: AFP

Narendra Modi and the hindunationalistiska the ruling party BJP is the Supreme court’s decision is an attack on hindu values.

In the state of Kerala, which is ruled by a vänsterkoalition, organized the government in a protest earlier in January, where around five million women have formed a 62-mile-long wall to support the ruling.

After the brutal gängvåldtäkten on a bus in New Delhi for six years, where a female student died of her injuries, the woman’s position and the lack of equality between the sexes been debated extensively in India.

in the Supreme court in september as the Sabarimala temple opened for women of all ages. The judgment has been appealed and will be reviewed again next week

Read more: Free-for-women in the sacred temple