the Norwegian fødselsrate is falling. this is the that women are waiting longer to get the first child, and that fewer have children number three and four. It is bad news. Of the future welfare state will be removed on ever more retirees shall be provided by ever fewer taxpayers. The prime minister pointed out in his nyttårstale on us young women to solve the problem: We must give birth to more children. It has, of course, attracted debate.

Is not this an opportunity to help some of the orphaned children in the world that could use a home in the Uk, ask anyone. Can not increased immigration in the future to solve our local befolkningsproblem, ask others. Philosopher Espen Gamlund have accused Solberg to reduce women to fødemaskiner. Good objections, but Solberg has undoubtedly also a point.

You can’t always “calculate” predictive forward to a response. Therefore, the personal aborthistoriene important Comment

Scientists surprised that we no longer can say, “look to Scandinavia”, but I have some theories. Women have never been more liberated than we are now. My generation of women take this freedom for granted in a different way than our mothers did, and in much to a greater extent than our grandmothers. In that generation there were many who saw it as his main task in life is to become a mother. In the day, career, self-realization and the cultivation of personal interests an important place in many women’s lives. Many are in doubt whether they actually want children, and if they fit to be parents. Other know no hurry to establish themselves.

In my lifetime has benefits, and offer for parents of young children become better. It seems apparent illogical that this coincides with declining birth rates, but certain aspects of the culture have changed in the same period. To begin to get the children in 30-years was considered as late for my parents. Now snittalderen for førstegangsfødende risen to 29,3 years, and what was the deviation has become the normal, it to steer towards, in many circles.

We women stand in a special skvis in the years between 25 and 35 years. It comes to be finished with education, getting well started with his career, get a permanent job and afford housing, in a demanding labour and housing market. At the same time, we begin to be troubled over the fact that the “clock is ticking” – something that many people take the responsibility to remind us. But we’re going to be a mom, we must also find a safe man who is ready to commit. A stable relationship is the most important thing that must be put in place. But men feel not that they have bad time. And so go the years …

Childless with education is in a dilemma, for biologically seen, it pays to have children early. Fertility begins to decline in 30-years, with increasingly greater chance for fødselskomplikasjoner and birth defects because the clock is ticking towards the menopause. But the salary and career, it is unwise to start multiplication soon.

According to the msc Nina Skrove Falch stagnates women’s careers after birth, and lag behind the peers in men lasts up to 20 years! By becoming mothers early gives women up the career and future income. It pays therefore to get high in the system and expose karrierestagnasjonen as long as possible before you have children. But then, there are fewer years to make these kids, at the same time as the cool jobs require their and like to slide the “yngelpleie” down on the priority list. This is what characterizes the decreasing fødselsstatistikken?

In Denmark, the apparently had good results with promotions like “Knald for Denmark”. They also offer free sædsjekk and fertilitetsrådgivning at the hospital. Such offers do not exist in Norway. As in other areas politicians the opportunity to influence people’s choices by making them safe and attractive, it is called “incentives”. Today, there are few incentives for having children before, “everything is in place”. Although children contribute to the great meaning and joy of life for many, we come not away that it is both expensive and a big responsibility to give them a good life.

the Prime minister should make the seriousness of changing the system for young people, new adults. To get parental benefits from NAV, you must have worked in at least 6 of the last 10 months. But many graduates, like me, feel very fortunate if we at all get us a job, and then it is often temporary and not a comfort for a new mother. If you have children as a student do you get extra support from lånekassa, but there is little to live on. The worst of it for those who stand between studies and job, or who have not worked long enough. They get a engangsstønad of 60 000 nok.

this field should policy could be, it might be art, but it can also be that this trend is not possible to reverse, because the couple have other desires and priorities today than 50 years ago. Such choice we must respect.

Had the christian democratic party has governed the country alone, had our community been silent Comment