the Celebration of the 50th anniversary for studentopprøret in 1968 has not taken the whole of. Nevertheless, it is come several books in which the 68-ers represent his generation as the omdreiningspunktet in etterkrigshistorien. The sharpest example is the French François Dosses tobindsverk “La saga intellectuels français”.

Whereas the first volume talks about the period from the close of the war to 1968, taking the second volume for the years from 1968 to the wall case. The most striking is that the author has not taken the height of women’s struggle for equality in its history.In France got women the right to vote in 1944 and the first in 1965 could married women open their own bank account without her husband’s consent. In the 1970s, abortion is allowed and the mothers got custody of their children. However, is not feminism, a red thread in line with existentialism, marxism, strukturalismen and postmodernism in the book idéhistoriske account.

place type Honour of the one male intellectuals after the other. He begins with Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, continues with Claude Levy-Strauss and Michel Foucault, and ends with André Glucksmann and Bernard-Henri Lévy. To mention six of the around 1500 described the men.Both volumes also have full bildelegg. In the first volume, it is found space for two women, in the other to five. Of the hundreds of photographs, is, seven of the women, including Simone de Beauvoir, Marguerite Duras and Julia Kristeva.

the Absence of gender issues is most much in the actual manufacture. The first volume opens with 150 pages about how Sartre was a leading intellectual in the 1940s and 50s. Then comes the chapter on Beauvoir. It’s not just about the release and reception of “The second sex” in 1949, but also about the importance the book has had until today. All squeezed together on the fifteen pages!

Already in the chapter the second paragraph is forced to manufacture in a narrow, masculine perspective. “As for her companion Sartre, also came Beauvoir to pay a high price and to be met with the most abominable abuse”. To judge by the examples mentioned, she was met with a completely different attack than him. “The other sex” were put on the catholic church’s list of prohibited books. It was also banned in the Ussr, eastern european states and in Portugal. Bokhandlerkjeden “Les librairies du Nord” found it so obscene that it refused to sell it. the

nobel laureate François Mauriac put in the time a hetskampanje against the book in the newspaper Le Figaro. He also wrote to one of the Beauvoirs colleagues that he “had learned everything he needed to know about the pussy to the boss”. In addition, she was accused to be the nymphomaniac, a lesbian, barren, secret mom and frigid, and got a number of offers to be cured of their sexual neuroses.

Still claim it. French 68-ern that the attacks Beauvoir was exposed to was not different than the Sartre met. He does not see that Sartre was met with philosophical and ideological criticism, while Beauvoir was criticized for being a woman and writing about what she called “woman’s situation”. So being a Saga of the French intellectual a striking, but not unique example of how wrong it can go when the male intellectual has not taken the gender perspective.