The american pastor Steven Anderson has been pointed out as the leader of one of AMERICA’s most hard-line hate groups targeted at lgbtq people. His has over 100,000 subscribers on Youtube have seen him preach the murder of homosexuals and rejoice in masskjutningen at a gay club in Orlando in 2016, where 49 people were murdered.
Five countries, including the Uk, has previously thrown out Steven Anderson, or pre-denied him entry. As DN reported planning Anderson, now a trip to Sweden. The purpose, as he describes it for the DN is to preach, meet with followers and ”help the christians in Sweden”. It is unclear how many supporters he actually has in Sweden, and he does not respond to what the Swedish organizers.
have got the S-minister Anders Ygeman to react. On Twitter he links to the article and writes that:
”Hatpredikanter and other extremists who spread hatred and threats should be stopped at the border. The EU should establish a sanctions list over hatpredikanter thus denied entry into the Schengen area.”
Anders Ygeman is in the day energy and digitaliseringsminister, but during their time as a group leader in the riksdag last year, he put forward a political proposal to face the choice of whether to tighten the rules to prevent religious and political extremists traveling to Sweden.
Despite the fact that the social democrats then were joined by the Conservatives, the proposal has not yet become a reality.
the Head of the national gränspolissektionen, Patrik Engström, writes in response to Ygeman that there already exist support of the aliens act, to reject it as ”likely to commit a crime in Sweden”.
”Incitement to racial hatred is a crime,” he writes.
, the justice minister Morgan Johansson (S) and interior minister Mikael Damberg (S) to get answers on what happened with the proposal. Dambergs press officer will return with a written comment:
”of Religious and political extremism is a threat to our democracy, it appears that organizations invites speakers with extremist message, and there we can not accept. A third-country national can already today be denied entry in the EU if the person concerned poses a risk to public order or security,” writes pressekreteraren, and continues:
”the Interior minister Mikael Damberg has intention to in the EU-the circuit to discuss further measures to ensure that you can stop the hatpredikanter at the border. In general, we get the return of it from the government side will be taken more measures at home.”
Read more: Kicked from five countries – now hatpredikanten to Sweden