the vast Majority of Finland’s 200 current mps tweet. The greens, the Swedish people’s party and christian democrats mps all have a Twitter account. Other party at least eight mps out of ten are on Twitter, less of the left alliance and true finns.
another thing is what and how active politicians their accounts using. Yle decline in October-November of mps tweet, the reaction and the websites to which they link.
Five of the most twiittava are the greens mps Satu Hassi conservative Juhana Vartiainen and Timo Heinonen , the true finns Jani Mäkelä and center Mikko Kärnä . Included are my own tweets and replies to others ‘ tweets, but not just retweets.
the Parliament with 20 of the hardest-working tweets hands
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Satu Hassi has tweeted nine years, more than 38 000 times or an average of a dozen tweets every day, Mikko Kärnä more than 26 000 times, i.e. an average of ten tweets daily. Over 20 000 tweets in the series are also Eva Biaudet ( r.), Veronika Honkasalo (left.) and green president of Maria Ohisalo .
the List shows, however, quite another, when you look at who has the most followers.
number One is green Pekka Haavisto , which has nearly 140,000 followers. More than 100 000 followers is also a Harry harkimo on (Business Now), Juha Sipilällä (kesk.) and Paavo arhinmäki on (left).
Next come the party leaders Li Andersson (left.) about 90 000 followers, and Petteri Orphan (ioc.) about 55 000 followers.
Kärnällä big gear on top, Vartiainen commentary
Activity or the number of followers is a different issue than the ability to maintain a Twitter debate – or on the other to provoke reactions. These few mps to reach their own class.
Mikko Kärnän tweet is like 1.5 million times. 25 pidetyintä associated with the Catalan independence objectives. Total likes, replies, and retweets is Kärnälle collected more than 2.4 million.
the Second most likes and reactions has collected Li Andersson, a total of more than 760 000.
Kärnä, Anderson and Juhana Vartiainen stand out not only as an industrious twiittaajina, including discussion.
Vartiainen tweets have been answered more than 68 000 times, i.e. on average, each one of the tweet comes with more than two answers. Andersson’s over 11 500 tweets have received more than four times the amount of comments.
Halla-aho, the hard input-output ratio of
the Part of the politicians is able to get on Twitter a lot of attention, although the would itself not be very active or even mainly retweet other messages.
Hard input-output relationship is especially party leaders or ministers, former and current.
for Example, the true finns Jussi Halla-aho followed by only a few dozen people on Twitter. With plenty of 1 500 twiitillään he is far from the most active from the tip. Halla-aho is, however, collected more than 331 000 reaction that is, each tweet has produced an average of more than 200 reactions. Those comments are about 19 000, and likes to more than 281 000.
the same type of input-output relationship is the prime minister, the SDP Antti Slope and ex-prime minister Juha Sipilällä (center). The slope has tweeted less than a thousand times, and Sipilä about 1 500, but the Slope will reach reactions TOP30 % and Sipilä’s 20 most reactions of the receiving mps of the crowd.
Diligence in social media is not always bring attention, but the essential is to get the other to discuss or respond to your tweet or speech topic.
for Example, a coalition of the Sari Sarkoma tweet the tenth most, but to reach the reaction of the collector of the place for 36. Green Iris Suomelalla , again, is about 12 000 followers, but he has got kahdeksenneksi the most likes.
Lasse Isokangas / YleOman party newspaper linked to the
we Calculate also, what sites mps link more. Accuracy mind the fact that clearly the most popular links on the page is another Twitter account, and the content does not appear.
Only three of the parliamentary group: the SDP, the left alliance, as well as a one-man Business of the Festival the most popular links on the page is something other than Twitter or Facebook. Helsingin sanomat is the SDP and left alliance mps of your favorite. Business of the Festival Harry Harkimo again, linking most of the evening journal blog page in which he writes.
As Twitter and Facebook are left out, as well as the true finns that the coalition party favorite have party close to a release. PS:no mps are linked to the Finnish news more than 1 200 times and coalition network news, more than 3 300 times.
the Centre linked to Twitter after the most Usually, Swedish people’s party Swedish Usually, green Helsingin sanomat and the christian democrats, its president Sari essayah’s website.
the party leaves the popularity has faded, but the mps for our party close to the release is important.
left alliance deputies to the people’s News is overall the fourth most popular source, the Democrat, the SDP representatives of the fifth, and Suomenmaa center of the mps of the sixth most popular source.
Soon to be terminated on the Green wire not instead fit green mps to the ten most popular link among them.
Coalition, the most active tweeter of the party
When the size of the parliamentary group tweets will be aggregated, tweets, ruler rises to the coalition. Its mps are tweeting their 172 000 times. Next come the green, the center, the left alliance and the true finns
When twiittien shall be proportionate to the mps number of the most tweets, the greens, the left alliance and the conservatives. On average, every green mp has tweeted about 6 to 700 times.
the reaction in the measurement of the first party is the centre. The ranking explains Mikko Kärnä. More than three-quarters of the centre of the parliamentary group of reactions is Kärnän twiittien harvest.
in Other words, the center would rise Kärnän likes of the merits of parliamentary activity tweet to a group, even if no one else of the party mps would not Twitter anything.
Individual Twitter-users was last year in Finland-the Twitter site (you move to another service), about 725 000. Weekly tweet about 70 000 finns (you move to another service). In this respect mps are so active people.
the Table to retrieve and sort the 20 most tweet mp tweets in more detail.
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