Paul Married 37 years. Albert Rivera, 38. Pablo Iglesias has 40 and the president of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, 46. Without a doubt, the current generation of politicians first-line younger than is recalled in the recent history of spain. But this generational shift has not been seen by now translated ideologically into what are known as youth, the structures that are the parties to be oriented to the population under the age of 35 years. Both in organizations the classical, Socialist Youth (JSE) and New Generations (NNGG), as in the new (Young Citizens and we Can), the objectives of the fund remain the same: to attract young talent to the game and be a transmission belt between it and the society.

differentiation occurs, then, on the whole, in the structure. The canary Melissa Rodriguez, 32, is the secretary of youth of the party, Albert Rivera and responsible Young Citizens. Born in the last year and a half with the urge to disassociate itself from the youth wing traditional. Opted for a format “horizontal without just structure, in which there is to ask for the ID card to fill a position or an electoral list” has Rodriguez, who adds that “in the rest of the matches, young people act as a lobby that does not reward the talent and skills”.


Cufflinks and political rivals “Talk of the Transition as a regime of 78 is disparaging”

Something that shares David Soto, a member of the Citizen Council, State of we Can. This guipuzcoano of 28 years is the link for the creation of a platform for youth, it is just throwing the last 2 Meeting in a State of Youth so-called “Rebellion”. Soto believes that “in general, the dynamics of the youth traditional suffers from inbreeding, which ends up turning their spaces into springboards to the institution.” For Soto, the objectives of a “youth space politicized” should be “critical thinking and the deployment popular”. His project youth will create a “horizontal space” with “specific objectives” of mobilization.

Change in the youth “classic”

newcomers want to differentiate from the young to traditional. However, since the parties are classical, they defend themselves. Omar Anguita, leader of the JSE, says that his organization is a “small family”: “We are volunteers, you have to have a vocation, but it does not mean having to end up in politics,” says convinced. Anguita ensures that it has not charged “never”, because the policy enables you to “feel fulfilled”. This madrid 28-year-old explains that the youths are “belts of transmission with the society, but not within the party”, since his main goal is to “bring the youth to the Deneme Bonusu party and the party of the youth”, by transferring “the real concerns of the youth” to the national Executive of the PSOE.

The vision of Diego Gago, president of New Generations, and a councillor in Vigo, 31 years old, is similar. “Only 1% of young people participating in NNGG have compensation, this is an exercise in altruistic”, matches Anguita, and adds that it is necessary to “listen to the young people to translate their demands”. Gago and Anguita also point out that their organizations have been “updated”. “The communication with the society is what has changed the most,” says the leader of NNGG. And on the JSE “has changed everything except the ideas, which continue to be very progressive,” says Anguita.

But both recognize that since the youth are recruited for the party. “There is a symbiosis between the PP and us,” says Gago. Many current charges of the PP have passed by NNGG, something that for the gallego is a “pride”. Anguita reiterates that his organization is “to make policy”, although he admits that “if then, you have the opportunity to work in the institutions, the better.”

are More similarities than differences?

the vision of The youth as a quarry is not very different from the idea that they have the new youth organizations, although they may proclaim their difference. Melissa Rodriguez admits that “the priority is to identify young talent”. “Since it was Young Citizens, the percentage of these positions in groups and lists has increased exponentially,” he says. In however we Can not go very far. They do not see recruitment as a goal, although David Soto acknowledges that participation generates “operators to politicians that they can engage in we Can”.

Also what do the youth wing of the PSOE and the PP is very different from what is done on Citizens. And we will see what right – “Rebellion”. Training, collected school supplies, or food, campaigns firms, environmental activism… What has changed is the way of acting: on the JSE and New Generations there is a continuous action in networks, while in Young Citizens act more timely. That is to say, the major events of the year, account of Rodriguez, are the summer Campus and winter, in which is about the young leaders of Citizens.

But what is the actual weight of the youth? New Generations has 40,000 affiliates, and Socialist Youth around 10,000, while the young oranges are 6,000 and in which We “can’t even talk figures.” In addition, unlike the new ones, have a presence throughout the country.

The four of them agree that the youth are a tool of change, as they say Anguita, Rodriguez, and Soto. And in the same line is shown Gago: “it Would be bad news disappear”. Despite efforts to differentiate, the different youths seem to be more of what they believe.