It is a huge Experiment that is currently taking place in the United States and with a temporal delay, perhaps also with us. What happens when large parts of the population to inhale for years of nicotine without the other toxins of burning Tobacco? What are the consequences for young people and Pregnant women? The people, especially away from the smoke brings it, or a climb that is why it is only in the cigarette or even drug use?

in fact, there exist to date no direct studies on the health effects of prolonged nicotine consumption. The Reto Auer, a research Director confirmed at the Institute for family medicine at the University of Bern, has worked intensively with the health consequences of Smoking and E-cigarettes: “most of The references to possible consequences are based on animal experiments or smoke studies.” The latter are distorted by the strong damaging effect on the lungs and the heart-circulation through the conventional cigarette smoke.

An amazing gap in knowledge for a natural substance that was already isolated in 1928. With the increasing use of electric cigarettes that vaporize nicotine solutions, is now in the foreground. Only right, since recently, British researchers in the journal “New England Journal of Medicine” demonstrated that E-evaporator is suitable for the Smoking cessation – may be better than nicotine replacement products such as patches or chewing gum. Noteworthy: In the study, 80 percent of the participants took advantage of the stop Smoking continues to appear regularly as an E-vaporizer.

Innermost seconds into the the brain to the addiction carousel

In the case of E-cigarettes to aromatic substances such as Menthol and Linalool, but also additives such as propylene glycol and glycerol, and impurities health can be problematic. The main component is nicotine, this provides the Kick of nicotine patches and gum happens because they give off the substance slowly, and why the addictive effect is smaller.

That nicotine causes rapid physical and psychological dependence, is undisputed. Inhaled the substance is released within a few seconds of the respiratory tract to the brain, where it docks to specific binding sites and thereby for the distribution of numerous neurotransmitters, which keep the addiction carousel up and Running. In the case of regular nicotine consumption increases the number of binding sites, which is why those Affected need to increase the dose to feel the same effect.

However, with an Addiction may be a good life. What risks is the with the health? In the case of the tobacco plant, nicotine is used originally to repel insects. However, not only for pests, also for humans the substance is toxic in high doses. Those who start with Smoking, noted at the beginning, often mild overdose symptoms such as Nausea, dizziness, or heart palpitations.

Previous findings on the significant long-term risks close. This shows an overview of the work by 2017 in the journal “Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews”. “In the past, many clinicians and researchers are considered a sole nicotine exposure as a little risky, especially for longtime smokers,” write the authors to Lucinda England of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the Ministry of health. “For pregnant women and young people, a large number of scientific evidence questioning this view.”

In the case of expectant mothers, the nicotine passes through the placenta into the circulation of the child who is not even able to fuel correctly to reduce. According to the US scientists nicotine could have then, similar to how cigarette Smoking has an adverse affect on the brain development of the child. Trials also suggest negative effects on the lungs, Asthma and pulmonary disease, COPD in adulthood could favor. And there is evidence to suggest that so-called epigenetic inheritance across generations might be. Is not excluded, finally, that nicotine could promote during pregnancy later, a sudden infant death syndrome.

in adolescence, the researchers see Lucinda England risks. The children are especially in danger to become dependent. In addition, there is according to recent studies, a “Priming”effect. This means that the risk rises to consume later, other drugs. Smoke studies and animal experiments indicated also that nicotine, Learning, memory and attention is affected, the U.S. scientists. Not yet, the discussion on the possible cardiovascular risks of nicotine is complete. Here, too, there is evidence that the substance in the arteries could promote calcification and, therefore, such as heart attacks and strokes.

certainties could in the air

resolve Not agree with US-authors Reto Auer, however, is: “it has to be with a question mark,” he says. The above-mentioned risks would be exclusively derived from indirect, uncertain, studies with smokers and experimental animals. Clean studies on nicotine without the influence of tobacco smoke have not been possible until now, he admits. Studies with nicotine replacement products such as chewing gum or patches were all made with former smokers who had already impaired health.

The physician warns: “As so often in medical research, could also dissolve the nicotine, some of the supposed certainty in the air, when well-crafted studies.” He is currently with a research team in a study of 1200 exit consent-smokers to investigate the long-term risks of nicotine vaporizers. The high-quality study with a control group would not have been prior to the introduction of E-cigarettes.

For Auer is clear: “It is not a good idea, as a teenager or during pregnancy with the nicotine to begin Inhaling, if you have never smoked.” For smokers, nicotine replacement therapies and cessation medications are the healthier Alternative for Pregnant women, the not get otherwise. “In the future, we will know better how safe are E-cigarettes, in particular for people who do not want traditional aid to Smoking cessation.” (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 19.02.2019, 11:59 PM