In Germany, woke up a woman after 27 years in a coma. In the world of success, after such a long time is an exceptional case. Doctors in the clinic for Neurorehabilitation Rehab in Basel expect a recovery time from a few months to two years.

The now 60-year-old Munira Abdulla had 32 in a car accident in the town of Ain, near Abu Dhabi. She suffered brain injuries and lost consciousness. More than twenty years, she was, according to media reports in hospitals in the United Arab Emirates. Her condition remained unchanged. Also a treatment in London brought no result.

in 2017, was the crown Prince of Abu Dhabi to the story attentively. The Royal house granted the family’s financial support for treatment in Germany. In a specialist clinic in the upper Bavarian town of Bad Aibling Abdullah’s epilepsy was brought under control, such as “The National” of Abu Dhabi reported. “Our primary goal was to give your fragile consciousness the opportunity to develop in a healthy body,” says the attending neurologist Ahmad Ryll.

“you made a strange noise,”

the trigger for the decisive step on the way to recovery could be a hassle. “I was involved at the bedside of my mother in a dispute,” says Abdullah’s son Omar Webair to the newspaper. “She was frightened, and made curious noises.” Three days later, someone called his name. It was.

Almost three decades, was Abdulla in the mini state of consciousness to paint. That you last made within a short time, great progress, is expected to be a comprehensive changes in the therapy regime, says Margret Hund-Georgiadis, chief physician at the Rehab in Basel.

coma-patients are often dependent on medication. Among the side effects Georgiadis strong fatigue according to the dog. The work against the goal of stimulating the patient and to Wake up. With the Rehab Basel applied the modern method of certain drugs could be directed by means of a thin catheter and a pump in the spinal canal directly to the nervous system, where they exert their effect. “As a result, the side effects of a system can be avoided systemic drug delivery.”

patients are also not simply passive in bed. They are activated and in the wheelchair mobilized. So you can get active to perceive their environment, using all available senses. This strategy appealed to the Doctors in Bad Aibling, such as “Focus” reported.

The sense-impressions that take a Patient in the minimally conscious state and is able to process, are likely to be less colorful and sustainable than those of healthy people, says Hund-Georgiadis. This was due to restricted Brain function, affecting attention and memory performance. So a coma patient before remembered mostly not for what or during your awakening happened.

“A patient, we have accompanied in the recovery phase in the last year very intensively, reported to us that they have crack for this entire time a film. She has met you only after Waking up “new”,” says the neurologist. “Although she was very familiar to us, for they each face new and unknown.”

Abdulla sooner – after about five or ten years from the present, changes in treatment and activation, it would have been possible that they would also Wake up earlier, suspected Hund-Georgiadis.

therapy goal: awakening

“In my twenty years as a neurologist I have experienced it for yourself yet never, that someone, after decades regains consciousness,” she says. “At the Rehab, we try in the first weeks and months after the brain damage everything, so that the Patient wakes up. This is the largest and highest goal. However, we also see many improvements in the alertness in the first few years, when the patients are taken care by us.”

In the first Phase of awakening, the building up of contacts with the family, with familiar people important to accompany the patient in his life. “Usually, the affected Patient does not want to First know what is happening in the wide world, and what messages he has missed. The interest around revolves around the self and of the human drum,” says Hund-Georgiadis. People who Wake up after a coma, a little like small children who have to learn everything new and to understand. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 25.04.2019, 19:10 PM