They ARE considered – rightly – the creatures the most indestructible of the planet: do not feel pain, they can withstand temperatures very rigid, can survive in the absence of oxygen and at high pressures, are immune to radiation. They are even able to “reconfigure” your body, remaining for years in a so-called was air-dried similar to hibernation. The tardigradi, in short, are the species on which to focus in the case of an apocalypse cosmic. Yet even they have a weak point, as you have just discovered a team of scientists at the department of biology at the university of Copenhagen, Denmark. The researchers tell the journal Scientific Reports (Nature), that the tardigradi suffer from long-term exposure to high temperatures, even when you are in the state dried up. The hardest the exposure, the more you lower the chances of survival of the animals.

The discovery, in truth, is not entirely unexpected. Already in 2017, in fact, a team of scientists of the laboratory of zoology and evolutionary at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, he studied a species of tardigradi coming from Antarctica, Acutuncus antarticus, highlighting the fact that the overheating due to climate change, combined with a bombardment of the ultraviolet, could compromise significantly the resistance of the animals. The study just published was instead focused on another species, Ramazzottius varieornatus, coming from Nivå, Denmark, to evaluate the resistance to temperature: “In our work,” says Ricardo Neves , one of the authors of the research, “we have measured the effects of exposure to high temperatures in tardigradi both active dessiccati, trying to study what happens during the period of acclimatization”.

These are the results: the tardigradi assets which had not been given the time to acclimatize to high temperatures, showed a mortality rate of 50% after 24 hours in an environment kept to 37,1 °C. For the animals that, instead, they spent the first two hours at 30 °C and the other two at 35 °C, the same rate of mortality is registered to 37.6 °C, which suggests that indeed the acclimatization increases the chance of survival. Different speech for the tardigradi dried, which seem to be more capable of adapting to high temperatures: in particular, there has been a mortality rate of 50% after 24 hours at the temperature of 63.1 °C. “We may conclude”, says Neves, “the tardigradi assets are extremely vulnerable to high temperatures, although they continue to retain a degree of adaptability, if properly acclimated. The tardigradi dried are more resilient and can cope with much higher temperatures, even if the mortality rate increases significantly with the increase of exposure time”.

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