Medical most Belgians get too little vitamin A and D through their diet. This is evident from an examination of the Ghent University and the federal research centre Sciensano. The good news is that the shortfall is fairly easy to resolve. A deficiency of vitamin A is the swallowing of supplements is strongly advised against, but it may be sufficient to be varied and balanced to eat. The vitamin D content can be supplemented through fortified food or supplements, but also here, caution is warranted.

A healthy dose of vitamin A is important for vision, reproduction, embryonic development, growth and immunity. Especially the adolescents (37 percent), pregnant women (32 percent) and breastfeeding women (67 percent) that too little of this substance from food. However, to ensure that the researchers strong to compensate for the deficiency by supplements to swallow, or the power to enrich. Better is to just to ensure a varied and balanced diet. the

“The safety margin between the recommended daily amount for vitamin A and the maximum permissible intake is very small. So you can quickly too much vitamin A in their diet. And that is also dangerous for the health. Especially pregnant women should be careful with too much vitamin A, because that may give rise to birth defects in the child,” says researcher Isabelle Moyersoen.

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Vitamin D is somewhat less evident. The substance is mainly produced in the skin under the influence of the sun, but the sun let in our country already know. In addition, a lot of people indoors so they don’t often on sun-exposed. Those who have little in the sun, take best vitamin D from food, fortified food and supplements.

the recommendation is, however, still not sufficiently followed up. The majority of our countrymen will get only a third of the recommended daily amount of within.