Animals is A well-known Spanish bullfighter creates controversy by his bizarre action last Friday in the arena in Seville. Morante de la Puebla (39) wiped at the end of the fight with a handkerchief of the tear film away from the eyes of the dying bull. “Pure sadism”, animal rights activists.

people in the Real Maestranza, Spain’s most famous bullring, saw in his action a gesture of respect for the dying bull. There was even applause. On Spanish social media is different. Disapproving tweets with the words “psychopathic” and “sadistic” are press shared. PACMA, a Spanish party which aims to be a dierenvriendelijker policy, call The la Puebla gesture “insane and perverted”. the

The Andaloesische bullfighter himself, all in silence. The man is openly a supporter of Vox, the extreme right-wing party in the Spanish elections last month, more than ten per cent made it. His home was in december, was plastered with graffiti. the

The interest for bullfighting in Spain is at a historic low point .In 2018 were 1.521 bullfighting organized, that there are 426 fewer than in 2003. Also stierenlopen is for this purpose counted. In Catalonia, the bullfighting since 2012 prohibited. On the Balearic islands (Ibiza and Mallorca) was for the first time since 2003 not only bullfight held.