a motorway pushy to When back to the back of the bumper, from the breaking Stress. “Yes, I have it overtake understood”, you may think, “you want. But the miserable Aggressor look, in front of me a long column departs, and to the right of me crawling trucks. So, what is this?” It’s hate fantasies evolve, and that it is a Mercedes-BMW-Audi-Porsche-Status-is the basement, the afflicted one confirmed, of course, all the prejudices. In such übermotorisierten cars dirt bags are certainly disproportionately often on the go, grumbles one then before. But is that really so, or only a resentment? Psychologists in Finland have been studied. And as they write in the International Journal of Psychology, correlate negative personality characteristics, apparently, with the purchase of more expensive cars.

so Far, only other documents

personal observations that have motivated the scientists to Jan-Erik Lönnqvist, University of Helsinki, to study It. Often car drivers are more expensive, without blinking overtake, lawn, jostling and aggressive driving behavior is noticed, write the psychologists. In the research literature exist to actually findings, with which this impression is a little under feed.

Accordingly, the driver of the status symbols to fall in fact, more frequently by questionable behavior in traffic. It is, apparently, not just selective perception. The results of these studies are, however, considered as evidence for the morally corrupting influence of prosperity, according to the researchers, finally, you have to be able to afford expensive cars. Money corrupts the character and in the high-priced sports car this lives then, so is the Consideration.

The Finnish psychologists now have a different hypothesis in the room: Maybe people with a difficult character tend to be easy to drive to purchase status symbols? In a sample of almost 1900 volunteers they found at least hints. To do this, you identified personality characteristics according to the so-called Five-factor model, in which the personality of people from five main dimensions added together: openness to experience, conscientiousness, Extraversion, agreeableness and Neuroticism.

“Not only scumbags drive a Mercedes”

According to the data expensive cars look so on men with low compatibility to be particularly attractive. Incompatible people are considered to be selfish, aggressive, narcissistic and the opposite of nice. Studies have already shown that a little friendly, people purchase seem like the most prestigious brand products. Also, it findings that this personality dimension is associated with a traffic of sins. The new findings from Finland, fit. Drivers are not so Bullies, if you buy a fast car; it seems to be more like that bully buy especially like fast cars.

But these were not, so the (exaggerated) title of the study: only scumbags that drive a Mercedes. Also people with high scores in the personality dimension of conscientiousness to buy with higher probability of prestigious cars. These are the people that Polish their cars every Saturday blank.

Created: 08.12.2019, 09:52 PM