of Course, there is also a Video. It is a two-minute, professionally-made Clip that works in stages like the Trailer to a sci-Fi Blockbuster from Hollywood. In fact, this movie should make a futuristic project palatable, however, is much more expensive than any cinema production: It is a future particle accelerator that would make all previously-built research facilities in the shadows. 90 or even 100 kilometres to the scope of the new should have presented the underground ring accelerator, which plans a physicist of the European research center Cern just.

The project under the name of the FCC (Future Circular Collider), a ring accelerator, 500 meters under the earth the lake of Geneva, and the Eastern part of the city of Geneva under tunnels. The current, after all, 27 kilometers of the accelerator tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, runs around 100 meters deep under the ground between the Geneva airport and the foot of the Jura massif.

“The FCC is one of several options for the long-term planning for the future of particle physics,” says Siegfried Bethke, one of the researchers as one of the Directors of the Munich Max-Planck-Institute for physics at Cern. He sees the FCC as “one of the leading options for the Future for the high-energy particle physics”.

The LHC could not meet all the expectations

On the way it should be according to Bethkes and other particle physicists, however, between steps. So you could build in the already existing Tunnel of the LHC initially increased proton accelerator. In addition, particle physicists want a further accelerator-type, unlike the LHC, not the proton to collide but the electron and positron. Both accelerator versions have different Strengths in the search for the fundamental forces and building blocks of the universe.

Given the currently (presumably optimistic) estimated construction cost of 20 billion euros for the FCC particles to physicists in the coming years and decades, however, increasingly convinced work to convince politicians and taxpayers of such a large-scale research facilities. The manageable physical findings, which were obtained with the LHC, are of little help. Although the famed “Higgs Boson has been discovered”, which all of the building blocks of the known matter adds to their mass.

But the hope, in a new micro-cosmic universe shot to advance, on a so far only theoretically predicted particle of the world of so-called “super-symmetric” particles, is not fulfilled. In this respect, the previous particle cannon of the Cern has provided little new insight. Critics Express serious doubts about the current theoretical models of fundamental physics. This is likely to be one of the reasons why China has considered construction of a giant accelerator, such as the FCC, for the time being put on ice. Japan has also slimmed down in the past year, the concept of a new electron-Positron accelerator.

particle physicists rightly point out that important questions on the way to a comprehensive understanding of the universe are still unexplained. For this purpose, the nature of the Dark matter, it must be in the cosmos in huge quantities. In addition, the Association of gravitational theory with the quantum physics is still on the to-do list for the physicist. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 18.01.2019, 20:11 PM