Oostende FC De Klokke from Ostend from the West-Flemish league of bedrijfsvoetbal put after the completely out of hand titelmatch last Saturday, against FC Den Comptoir in Bruges. That confirms Wilfried Lacoere of The Royal west flanders Bedrijfsvoetbalbond. “This unsportsmanlike behavior is not tolerated. The images speak for themselves,” says Wilfried Lacoere. FC Den Comptoir is therefore champion.

the match between The first and the second in the state found Saturday in sportpark De Schorre, Ostend. At one minute from the end it was 4-3 in favor of The Bell. The supporters were already celebrating, because the team was due a win again at the top of the standings, with one match to go. But suddenly got The Comptoir in Bruges a penalty. A draw would be The Comptoir of the standings continue to argue and was almost certain champion. It was 4-4 and that came hard on the supporters of The Bell.

They stormed the field in the direction of the players of The Comptoir, and there was a veritable battle. Players of The Bell mingle, which players of The Comptoir is defended. The result was some significant bruising, nosebleeds, and six called politiecombi. According to FC The Bell were the players of FC Den Comptoir their supporters to tease after the goal and beat the stop by.

FC Klokke obvious aanstokers

The incident came before the disciplinary committee of the Royal west flanders Bedrijfsvoetbalbond. According to chairman Wilfried Lacoere it is clear that both supporters and players of FC Klokke responsible and aanstokers were of the violence. “A exclusion from the competition seems to be a hard penalty, but the images speak for themselves. This unsportsmanlike behavior is not tolerated. For this decision we have also the Belgian Football association consulted”, says Wilfried Lacoere. According to him, this morning a registered mail sent in the direction of FC The Bell, with the decision of the disciplinary committee.

The outcome of the match is converted into a forfaitscore of 0-5, so FC Den Comptoir certainly champions in their division. FC The Bell has not yet respond to their exclusion in the league.