Oliver Markovsky (41) is head of the center for gender reassignment surgery at the surgical clinic Munich-Bogenhausen. In a white coat, he comes in the meeting room, in the breast pocket of a couple of felt-tip pens. He needs, when he explains to his patients what to understand as a layman, difficult, as from a Vagina, a Penis can be, and Vice versa. Then he paints on a flip chart the human anatomy. Explained. Shows Images. 750 gender reassignment operations Markovsky and his Team in 2018 carried out. In 2010, there were around 150.

Mr Markovsky, you may recall, repair, Operation, sang at their first sex?
Very good indeed. This was in the year 2006. I was new here at the clinic and for the first Time had a patient who was biologically a male, but as a woman, defined. For me, the crazy was exciting.

to what Extent?
I wanted to understand the perception of the patients. How it is to live in the wrong body and want to find an organic repellent that is sick, but it feels wrong, like a foreign body. And then it is for me as a surgeon, and also a beautiful OP. Consuming clear, but you see so much more true-to-life anatomy, so many structures, such as in the case of hardly any other urological surgery. At the time, such interventions were also still significantly less.

“There is no training, and that’s a Problem.”

TRANS-women and TRANS-men were not in the Public still as visible as it is today.
Not only that. Even if the Affected trust have to talk about the discrepancy between your body and your soul, sometimes lacked the Doctors with the necessary Knowledge and skills. TRANS-surgery was just not an issue in the study of medicine. It is not until today.

There is no training to be a specialist?
no. You learn from your colleagues, the knowledge is self-Knowledge, and often have applied. I came to us in 2006 as a urological resident physician here at the clinic, wanted to be a urologist, and then landed randomly in a gender reassignment Operation. From there, I learned in an interdisciplinary Team of other urologists, gynecologists, plastic surgeons. There is no training, and that’s a Problem.

Today, the issue of TRANS-sexuality seems to be more present than it was then. The demand for sex is body operations sang the rose?
Exponentially! Here in the clinic we had in 2010, about 80 patients. Today there are 400. By the way, a little more TRANS men come to us, so biologically women want a male gender reassignment seen.

“Our oldest patient was 79 years old.”

Why is that?
There are less Doctors, the female-to-male operations, because they are more time-consuming. Many patients want to have their uterus, ovaries and Breasts removed, the vagina closed, a Penoidaufbau make and an erection prosthesis is used get. The are many challenging steps. Surgeons with appropriate experience are rare. In the company TRANS-sexuality is distributed in men and women but about the same.

What are the hopes of the people who come to them?
Our patients come in very different stages of life. Our oldest patient was 79 years old. For them, it was a decades-long cherished life’s dream, to finally have the body you had always wanted. Others are 18, you worry about the function of your new sex organ that orgasm or the Option to be able to pee Standing up.

pee Standing up?
Yes. For most TRANS men, this is a very important point.

Because you can pee as a man, just Standing up.

talk with their patients very carefully about your desires.
This is very important, because TRANS-sexuality is incredibly versatile. Many TRANS men want to be able to have an erection prosthesis, with the help of which you stiffen your Penoid for sexual intercourse. Others just want to have a micro-Penis. And then there are patients who want to wish you a Penoidaufbau, your Vagina but keep.

“in The end it is an approximation, not the Original.”

Then there is not a Standard Operation?
no, not there. We recommend Yes anyone, to specific operational steps, or a complete approximation to make. But it is very important that the ideas about the operation ways and the results are realistic.

What would be unrealistic?
It happens rarely, but some people imagine that we make a kind of conversion. You expect a sex organ that looks and works just like a natural. I once had a young TRANS man who was very impatient and most of all the steps at once would have done, not what we do but.

And then?
I showed him the original images of people after the surgery, so he has no false expectations. That’s what we do in our office hours always. It results that the patients were satisfied. But for him, the images were frustrating. It’s all so fake, so unnatural. Clearly, in the end it is an approximation, not the Original. And most of the patients know that too.

“This is not a Hype, but an achievement of equal rights.”

Many patients have already come a long way, before they come to you, take hormones and try to live in everyday life in the new gender. But how to find out whether or not a Patient is ready for surgery that is irreversible?
Not through our consultation alone. We need support from psychologists or psychiatrists who care for the Affected. You need to make the diagnosis of “transsexualism” or “gender dysphoria” and the indication, describe the medical necessity for gender reassignment surgery. We need to know from these gentlemen, that no diseases are present, which may mimic gender dysphoria.

Then a different treatment would be required.
Yes. It would be fatal if we do not change a person physically, we can help ultimately. You need to see: We manufacture pressure to remove the reproductive organs that are sick are also at a high Right.

critics say that young people have a Hype to Gender reassignment, and as a result, operations can be played down. How do you see that?
If people believe that we can provide you with a catalog where you can easily so a new body can be ordered, then I see also a trivialisation. Since we, as surgeons, the task is to convey a realistic picture. But I think that the issue of TRANS-sexuality in Public is more present, is more of a social development, which can you should not stop and not stop. There have always been TRANS people. Long as it was for many, but there is no Option to come out. If today, in the movies, at the Miss Universe contest and in the supermarket at the checkout transsexual may be obvious, this is not Hype, but an achievement of equal rights.

Created: 20.11.2019, 19:43 PM