Helsingin sanomat tells how the house came almost immediately after the sale of housing. Residents will be able to sell his apartment, now a nice profit.The house is located in the centre of Helsinki in Kamppi. AOP

in the centre of Helsinki located asunto Oy Malminkatu 5 has been released hitas-regulated in Helsingin sanomat.

This means that the house residents can expect to get from their homes to soaring profit from while selling them at market price. Hitas-regulated company, the average price per square meter is 3736 eur. The postal code area, the average price per square meter is in the range of approximately 7000 euros.

This is a 1988 Helsinki city centre the Swedish built hitas-target, which is able to apply for a 30-year milestone after crossing the city from the release of the hitas-regulated.

Helsingin sanomat reported that already in December the house was put up for sale three family homes, ranging in size from 81 to 90 square meters. They asked for 6 522-7 098 euros per square meter. In a few months their housing their value is therefore approximately doubled.

the Idea to provide affordable housing

Hitas homes are owner-occupied, with a sale price for the city defines the upper limit. The purpose is to provide purchasers of affordable ownership housing and to ensure that housing remain affordable.

Hitas-the items are released from a priori regulation after 30 years. In 2011 and beyond, structural items released from regulation after 30 years automatically.

Helsingin sanomat, before the 2011-built hitas-the items are released for regulating automatically, if hitas-item average price per square meter or the so-called limit price per square meter is higher than the postcode population in the data group on average.