Amsterdam is not typical? The capital of the Netherlands, – as in the whole country – for over 40 years, hashish and marijuana in the Store for sale, reinforces the presumed connection between high cannabis consumption and psychotic initial disease. Or, conversely formulated: The less noise hemp was inhaled with high efficiency, the less consumers have developed psychotic symptoms. In London this was 30 percent less, in Amsterdam, even as much as 50 percent.

The study, in the specialist publication “Lancet Psychiatry”, published, respondents in ten European cities of more than 900 people who were first diagnosed with psychosis, according to your drug use. And compared this with a control group of Healthy subjects. The results can be read as further evidence of how high hemp high, Indoor plantations enabled THC content with psychotic first symptoms correlated. Including delusions, hallucinations and thought disorder.

That the young potheads are particularly vulnerable, can not surprise. First, many of them are curious about mind-altering experiences. And the stronger the drug, pure POPs, the sooner these Users want to try its effect. Secondly, you are still growing up. Since this also relates to your brain, can develop strong drug there is a particularly dangerous effect.

Whether psychotic consume vulnerable people more drugs or the drug consumption causes psychosis, is still not clarified. The evidence from other studies has now become so high that the least skilled people doubt a connection between dose and effect: hashish in high doses, psychologically makes you sick.

The Consumer should know what he’s Justifying inhaled

these results a decriminalization of drugs, hemp or affirm the ruling of prohibition? Caution is appropriate, because it is the drug policy of the drug experience itself: it is becoming more and more complex, the more one gets involved with you. We take Amsterdam: Although the consumption of hemp products in the Netherlands is tolerated, the trade is officially forbidden. The Coffee Shops can legally sell, but not legal shopping. So you don’t know yourself, what you offer to your customers. There is no protection of consumers and no real product information, as we are the legal substances used.

That legality guarantees, no health, shows the effect of legally available death, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, painkillers, and sugar products. But it allows at least the control over the content of the active ingredient. Who wants to be a COP with high doses of hashish, coupled with the hazards to his health, can do that already today almost undisturbed. And he often falls when he is mentally ill. But even those who want to moderately consume, remains the undeclared Noise, and the dealer herbicides delivered.

“Just say No”, was the chant of the officials of the Reagan administration, as they led their as long as useless, by Richard Nixon in the seventies, launched the drug war. “Just Say Know” to recommend the drug Liber regulator: The Consumer should know what he inhaled. Everything else is madness.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 20.03.2019, 19:01 PM