TV In ‘Blind Married’ does Joris (30) already there weeks anything and everything to Annelies (29) to win, but are verleidingspogingen bounce off her armor. “I can’t force to me to like to see, but they can not force my love to hide”, sounds. In All, he tells us more.

it May seem odd to some viewers, but George calls ” Blind, Married a successful experiment. “I felt indeed that there is a match between me and Annelies,” he says. “In the beginning I had the feeling that something could be between us.”

According to a friend of yours do you think however that you are wrong matched.

That he must have misunderstood. Look, Annelies and I both have already quite a lot of water been through, so we each other very quickly understand. In addition, we have the same kind of humor. That makes that in the moments that things are going well between us, it also really goes well.

And why would you in the beginning out for?

I think Annelies is really a topvrouw. So yes, if I all over again would be allowed to do, I would ’t, in all honesty, in exactly the same way.

Still ran it after some time suddenly a bit difficult. How come, do you think?

Suddenly we were back in the real life wasp. For the first time in a week, we were a day apart and we had time to think. I decided that I wanted to go, but I noticed that Annelies, however, what was more difficult to hurl. For me, that was very difficult.

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