Evening magazine sent according to the helsinki apartment ludetarkastukselle, which is used as an aid in the bedbug dog. The bedbug dog is trained to smell the wall bedbugs smell of the places where the human eye is not enemy can see.Video bedbug dog Roo investigates the helsinki-based Mark’s home for bugs. Surgery: Pasi Liesimaa, Video: Annabella Kiviniemi

Helsinki, one bedroom I heard a loud snuffle, when the bedbug dog Roo sniffing frantically to the bed edges. Then Roo will move sniffing around the couch area.

–Usually bedbugs I just found the bed and the couch, so the dog will focus in particular on them, to tell bedbug dog handlers Karita Häkkinen anticimex from.

we Are in helsinki, in two rooms, with a resident Markus , 28, travels a lot. Markus has not seen the wall the bed bugs in his apartment, but has started to think about them more, because the topic of talk in the media more and more often.

I Travel a lot because of my work. I just got back from a business trip to London, so has been the need for this amendment, said Markus, whose suitcase is still open after your journey.

Roo continues the sofa smell. Roo is a 5-year-old labrador retriever, who started training bedbug dog work for already 7 weeks.

Dogs can be taught this like a specially from a puppy, but older dog learns the task. They learn that when it detects the wall bedbugs and the smell of it will be rewarded with praise, food or toys, Häkkinen describes.

Häkkinen, according to the dog is quite reliable bedbug perceiver, because it smelled a little bug the human eye out of the reach of, for example, a wall list of guarantees.

–wall bedbugs is to identify the characteristic odor, which a dog separates it from other odours and insects. People can smell bedbugs usually only when it is crushed or when it is stressed, Häkkinen said.

bedbug dog labrador Roo sniffing carefully in a private apartment sofa wall bugs. Roo sidekick is bedbug dog director Karita Häkkinen. Annabella kiviniemi bedbugs held their ground

Hakkinen experience, according to the wall bedbugs have become more common, and bedbug inspections made on a daily basis in several the metropolitan area. Dogs with homes are circumvented in practice every day.

Bedbugs has been clearly rising in recent years, especially when you take a look at our our workload. Day meet of these amendments. It seems that the bedbugs will not be getting rid of, because people travel so much and Finland has formed already own a bedbug strain, Häkkinen said.

the most Typical bedbug inspection items are house companies and hotels via checks and in addition checks are carried out, inter alia, vehicles and ships, which is the bedbug risk. Most often private homes with one dog, but at the larger places often.

a private apartment in the mission bedbugs inspection dog with the proceeds so that first the pilot check that the apartment is dog safe and prepared for inspection.

–Use the item whenever yourself through before the dog arrived. Sometimes the apartments have been sharp objects, broken glass or drug needles, which is why each apartment must always be checked separately, Häkkinen said.

Bedbugs can be found in varying degrees. If a resident has detected signs of bed bugs or found a bite mark in his own skin, then bed bugs many times can be found. When the dog found bed bugs, we call for the fight against the technicians who perform control and instruct the inhabitants to act properly during it.

bedbug dog handler gives the signal before Roo-dog weather to go in search of bed bugs. Annabella stone cape in the picture bedbugs. Bedbugs detect the flat form and brown color. Bedbugs has a length of 5-8 millimetres. Mostphotos I hate the idea of blood suckers

in Mark’s case, bed bugs have not been found in advance – on the other hand, he does not necessarily identify a beg bug. He himself or his tutuillaan have never had them.

I’m not sure what the bug exactly looks like, but I know that the typical the signs of them are the black dots on the bed, he pondered.

the Black dots, i.e. a bedbug feces can be found in the floor of the lists, the walls crack, the bed bottom and feet, mattress, bedroom floor lists, as well as the home’s other furniture. Sometimes in the twilight bedbugs may see, as it moves at night and needs human blood to feed on.

the Adult bedbug is brown and about 5-8 millimeters long, wide and flat insect. Often bedbug bites are itchy and they can be found typically on the feet and hands, but some people do not manifest symptoms at all.

Markus said that he was luteisiin and inspection rather casually, but on the other hand, him I hate the idea of them.

I would Feel really disgusting, that they would eat me at night.

in Particular, he ponders the fight against the major töisyyttä, nor wants that trouble upon yourself.

–I understand that bed bugs spread easily in the house company and their prevention is a laborious process. On the other hand, I’ve comprehended that they can get it faster, get rid of, the earlier they are detected.

the Dog arrived sometimes a secret

Häkkinen, according to the wall the bed bugs still have a stigma. Bedbugs combined with easily home the impure and bad hygiene. Difficult to get rid of the access concerns of many and that is why some customers are in the inspection frightened and stressed.

bed bugs bad reputation is a big problem. Some people feel anxious and they asked that the dog arrived in secret as discreetly as possible in the stairwell without your work vest on the site, so the neighbors wouldn’t see, Häkkinen said.

Häkkinen, according to the cover-up is a sad downside. Even professionals may not be called to the scene, but people trying to get rid of bedbugs get rid of my own way. That’s when the bedbug problem easily worsen and spread to other dwellings in blocks of flats.

–it Seems that people bedbugs is still a very sensitive topic. If they are found in your own home, even the neighbors did not want to tell.

in principle, the wall of bedbugs is difficult to get rid of without a professional.

Transparency was important. Bedbug infection is bad luck, nor is it related to home cleanliness in any way, Häkkinen sighs.

it Is characteristic that also Markus wants to keep the case anonymous, so his name has been changed.

I don’t want to be associated with luteisiin for example, because of my work, he admits.

bedbug dog Roo wait for permission to get access to the private residences of the inhabitants of the Mark’s suitcase from the trip. Annabella KiviniemiRuu solidifies when it finds a

helsinki apartment review is coming to its end. Roo has just gone through the suitcase, but is not found in there bed bugs. Also the kitchen passes nuuskut way of the nose.

–This time, bed bugs could not be found, Hakkinen confirmed.

What would happen then, if the dog to find bedbugs? Häkkinen looks like the situation in practice. He hid in the suitcase ludekoirille referred to the practice of the smell, which the dog also gets a successful experience check finally.

Hakkinen encourage the dog to investigate the bag again. Roo sniffing around frantically and then all of a sudden it freezes like a statue.

–Roo inform the solidification path discovery and will remain in position so long, until I give the signal.

then the dog is rewarded with praise and a treat. Roo is excited, and your work vest takes the chore away at the end, when it knows he’s free.

check the end of the Mark is satisfied. Trip it does not come with the extra travellers.

–Surprisingly, quickly went to that review and good to know that bedbugs is not, he said.

Mark’s name has been changed.

Roo-dog freezes statue like still, when you have smelled a bedbug. Because Mark’s apartment found no bed bugs, finally, was used for training the smell to the situation observed for both the success of the experience for the dog. Annabella stone cape in the picture labrador Roo, who started learning the bedbug dog to work as early as 7-weeks. Roo is a 5-year-old. Annabella kiviniemi tube shown in real bedbugs. Annabella kiviniemi bedbug dogs are trained from a puppy, when they learn to smell and react to bedbug characteristic smell. Annabella kiviniemi bedbug dog director Karita Häkkinen and the Roo-dogs hunting together with bedbugs in private residences. Häkkinen says bedbugs have become widespread and some people still fear the stigma. Annabella kiviniemi did you have bedbugs?