Environment ScientistsForFuture, an international collective of scientists, expresses, in an open letter to the scientific magazine Science, his support for the klimaatspijbelaars. The letter was in the meantime by 26.800 scientists signed. “Their concerns are justified and are supported by the best available science. The current measures for the protection of the climate and the biosphere are very deficient”, it sounds.

“The massive mobilization of the klimaatbewegingen of young people shows that they understand the situation. We accept their requirement for rapid and powerful action is good and support this,” said the scientists, referring to the global klimaatbewegingen of young people. Among the authors of the letter also two Belgian scientists, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele (UC LOuvain), who two weeks ago had to know that he will compete for the presidency of the IPCC, and Sara Vicca (UAntwerpen).

Read also in the holiday argue klimaatspijbelaars: 1,100 participants in Brussels

scientists refer to the climate deal Paris, to which 194 states and the European Union, agreed to the warming of the earth to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In the open letter state that it is “of crucial importance” is to immediately the emissions of CO2 and other broeikasgasgassen to reduce. the
ScientistsForFuture lays the responsibility on the industrialised countries. The politicians should provide the necessary legal framework and also for the social, technological and natural solutions, they say. The scientists insist that there is not to wait until the young people themselves to politics can do.