Animals A gelukzakje, so can your cat Fluffy, feel free to call. The cat is back and healthy after last week’s heavy frozen state was found.

The owners of Fluffy, in Kalispell, Montana, to live in, and found her last week Thursday in a sneeuwbank outside. The cat was once again to the outside slipped in spite of the harsh weather. It was at that point -13 degrees in Montana, there was also a half meter of snow. After a long search, found her frightened owners Fluffy finally somewhere in the white blanket of snow. But what did it look bad. The cat did not react more, her long fur was covered with ice. In a panic, rushed their pet to the veterinary clinic.

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Then doctor Jevon Clark the brought cat examined, her temperature is so low that it even fails to register with the thermometer. After two nerve-racking hours and hours of hot water and blankets,, the cat is still not to temperature. The doctors continued to do everything possible, with other heated cushions and berths. With success. After many hours of struggle struggled Fluffy is there, slowly but surely.