today is a very the special day. It is the ceremony for the Nobel peace prize, with the prize winners who are working against sexual violence against women in war situations. The same day fill of the human rights of 70 years and Amnestys annual report for the 2018 launch.

John Peder Egenæs. Show more

This update issue in particular: the Collection of authoritarian, kvinnefiendtlige and populist leaders, historically, with the Trump (USA), Putin (Russia), Erdogan (Turkey), Bolsonaro (Brazil), Duterte (Indonesia), Jinping (China), bin Salman (Saudi Arabia) and Modi (India).

In the annual report, we have a special focus on women. For when half of the world’s population is systematically treated worse than the other, we are faced with a large menneskerettighetsutfordring.

women are treated systematically poorer than men throughout the globe. Every third woman is subjected to gender-based violence, including domestic violence and sexual assault, at least once in the course of his life. Every single day is the 830 women who die of complications in connection with pregnancy and childbirth of causes that are easily preventable, such as bleeding and blood poisoning. Almost all the deaths occurring in developing countries. Rape as a weapon of war is extensive and widespread, and affects millions of women each and every year, as in the civil wars in South Sudan, Syria and DR Congo.

peace Prize to a persecuted people in the middle East Comment

40 percent of all women live in countries where access to abortion is very limited. Almost seven million women are treated each year for complications due to unsafe abortions, while it is of 22,000 women who die every year as a result of such complications.

104 countries have laws that prevent women to take certain professions. Only 17 per cent of the premiers are women. Every fourth woman in Amnestys international research reports about harassment on the Internet.

In our annual report which is being launched today, there is still a clear and strong strime of light. For the women’s movement in 2018 have been more offensive than in a very long time: In Latin America has the kvinneledede the group, “Ni una less than”, which is fighting against violence and for the sexual and reproductive helserettigheter, dominated in several countries. In India and South Africa took thousands to the streets to protest against sexual violence. In Saudi-Arabia and Iran have female activists, with the risk of their own safety, objected to kjøreforbudet and coercion of the headscarf.

In Argentina, Ireland, Poland and Norway, there have been massive demonstrations to defend the right to safe and legal abortion. In the united STATES, Europe bahis siteleri and Japan participated million in the second march for women’s rights to demand an end to sexual harassment and abuse which has been recognised through #metoo movement.

An important congratulations from the prime minister Debate

Looking to the future, will Nadia Murad when she comes to Norway, putting a special focus on impunity for those who commit sexual assault in war. In the judicial system, it has become common to judge people for being a member of terrorist organizations. But to get a conviction for the most heinous atrocities, many committed in war, is almost impossible.

It is not because there are no exemptions in the law. It is adopted lovtekster that makes this punishable, but it is not followed up by those who have the responsibility. In Norway, the director of public prosecutions that come should use the time to say to investigate and prosecute those who commit sexual assault in war and conflict.

In Europe, the debate on samtykkebasert voldtektslovgivning be an important issue in the years ahead. Already have eight of the 31 countries in Europe determined that sexual intercourse without consent is rape. There is reason to believe that this proportion will rise over the next few years, and that similar legislation will come into place in Spain, Denmark and Portugal.

But the big problem is that old fashioned, authoritarian and maktarrogante men have gained power in many countries. Under the guise of protecting “family values” held beliefs that women and men cannot be equal, by the same.

In large parts of Eastern Europe, this is an kjempeproblem. Among the premiers there are few men who are fighting women’s cause. Both Erdogan in Turkey, Orban in Hungary, and Questions in Poland operates a policy that makes it difficult to be a woman.

Look to the benchmark muslim countries, nor is there any positive trend among the premiers. Under Muhammad bin Salman, Saudi-Arabia, violence against women in prisons escalated. Recently uncovered that those who fought for women’s right to drive a car, lately, has been imprisoned, and then subjected to electroshock, whipping and sexual abuse.

Amnesty International calls men who are actively fighting for equality and denounces all forms of discrimination and violence against women. Today is the world stage left to maktarrogante male leaders. We shall win the battle for justice, men who disagree with populistene, to raise your voice far stronger than they do today.