Animals Alba, known as white orangutan in the world, was last year heavily neglected found in a remote village on Borneo (Indonesia). The five-year-old animal spent her days in a wooden cage and was still not nine pounds. About a year and a half later it will be much better with albino Alba and she will get her freedom back.

Conservationists from Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo island, knew in april together with the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS) the young man-ape from her precarious position to deliver. The rare animal was from the village of Tanggirang to a shelter, where it could recuperate. the

Are not aware of its special appearance, plays Alba in the centre of FOREST lustig on the loose with her copper-coloured conspecifics. The caregivers are, however, afraid that her white fur, blue eyes and red pupils her the target of poachers. Precisely because of this, she ended up rather as a pet in the hands of the villagers.